1. Osawari
  2. Lifalena





AttributeMax LevelStatsHPMPATKDEFProvocationSpeedSpecials
Private ConcertDeals Topaz damage to all enemies. Increases the Speed of all allies (Increase power 25).Initial11001650
A well-educated young lady who is very good at playing the violin. She has been taking music lessons for a long time and she is also very good at flower arrangements and tea ceremony. She always tries her best when learning something. She respects her opponents and she is a very sociable person. Although she knows many thins about the outside world, she hasn't gone out much and can't wait to experiment.


HRMy name is Lifalena. I undergo many studies, but I manly like to focus on the violin.
SRIt is very refreshing to play the violin. I makes me forget about everything and immerse myself in it.
SSRAs a daughter of a respected family, flower arrangements and tea ceremony are basic skills for me.
SLIn order to enjoy the object of your investigation, you must first learn to enjoy life, that's what I think.

Where to Capture

Top 300 from Desire Overload rerun.


Her HR and SR chibi differ however, the template doesn't allow for it to show. Her SSR and SL chibi are exactly the same. She has no audio aside from scenes.

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