1. Osawari
  2. Nora



159 cm905380


AttributeMax LevelStatsHPMPATKDEFProvocationSpeedSpecials
Smoke and mirrorsDeals Emerald damage to all enemies. Decreases the Defense of all enemies (Decrease power 30)Initial11001700
She absolutely loves horror and anything scary, but she doesn't get scared of it. The only thing she really fears is her own death. She has a big heart. She's never hesitant with anyone, and she can connect with them easily. She's interested in skulls and bones, and staring at the in cemeteries during her pilgrimages, particularly the ones where skulls and bones are still intact and available.


HRI love scary things! Hey, you...do you like scary things, too? Wanna watch a horror movie together?
SRI'm only really afraid of dying... Other than that, there's really not much else.
SSRAaah! If I do that and grab hold of you, doesn't it make your heart just jump? Shall we try that again?
SLMy heart and body... They're all yours. I'd be happy...if that made you happy...

Where to Capture

Event 32 ("remake" of 7) top 300 ranking reward


Incredibly high HP, great MP, really high ATK + DEF, average PROV, and high SPD. Her SSR and SL pictures are the exact same

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