1. Kanpani
  2. Living Dead

Part1 Off Into Infinity
Chapter9 Arrival of the Dark Warrior
Quest3 Living Dead
DescriptionClient: Marcus, City Staff
We've received a complaint that there are skeletons wandering the graveyard. People are too afraid to visit the graves anymore, so can you clear them out?
600 1625 303 251 242 7527 / 7627


Obtainable employees

Fight 1 (Blue)
Enemy Strategy: Crush the Weaklings!
Fight 1 (Red)
Enemy Strategy: Crush the Weaklings!
Fight 2 (Blue)
Enemy Strategy: Crush the Weaklings!
Fight 2 (Red)
Enemy Strategy: Crush the Weaklings!
Fight 3 (Blue)
Enemy Strategy: Crush the Weaklings!
Fight 3 (Red)
Enemy Strategy: Stop the AoE attacks!

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