I picked up Panther II last time she was around, and while not the best sta wise I really do like her and she fits well into my team.
The way I use her is a secondary threat mitigation tank - as in - she is a weaker but faster version of our Super Pershing Sarah chan (never gonna get tired of this name ).
When I deploy a flank guard of TD and the enemy drops a counter I send Panther 2 who can get in front of my TD, pop her active, to soak up and still do some damage while backed up by the TDestroyers.
Plus - yeas she is very adorbs

Are there better tanks ? Sure. But if you lack mediums, or already have a solid team going on and just want to expand ? Sure why not.
I got her and T-34 100 at the same time pretty much and I must say I like her more than T-34 - now THAT is a lackluster tank. I am just itching at the first opportunity to replace her with some other tank (the event Polina is pretty dope with here paradrop, or I might go with T-44 who is more defensive but I do like her). Plut T-34 has both annoying looks and personality so yeah... :P
But Verena (Panther II) ? I like my kitty cat chan plenty ! :3 (and she is pretty hot tbh hehe)