
OK, i do put Penetration emblem on my T34-100, and also a Crit rate emblem and a Crit damage emblem. What do you equip on your Jagdtiger? Because every other stat is better on a T34-100 by MUCH, and you dont need to stack more penetration as it would be a waste (provided the folmulae at wiki is to be trusted). I dont consider 3 range (20 vs 17) big enough to make any difference. Got the feeling my T34-100 would end up better at everything (not to mention cheaper) no matter what you equip on the JT, but thats just me, maybe?...

Also, i think ppl tend to overrate the ACE skill, just ask yourself the question: What ROLE do i assign my tank to? Do i want to tank with my Ace 5 Med? Sure, i can, but there are clearly superior options for a solid front line. Do i want to backline DPS? Then ACE just provides 50% damage for 15 sec -- not bad, but clearly any pure DPS skill is better than that - Valour, Autoloader, Rapidfire, and Critical Shot too (imho).

Ofc you can just throw a bunch of Ace Meds and watch them go on rampage, but thats hardly the best tactic out there

No argue with you on the cats part, bro =^.^= ... <3<3