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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusho View Post

    OK, i do put Penetration emblem on my T34-100, and also a Crit rate emblem and a Crit damage emblem. What do you equip on your Jagdtiger? Because every other stat is better on a T34-100 by MUCH, and you dont need to stack more penetration as it would be a waste (provided the folmulae at wiki is to be trusted). I dont consider 3 range (20 vs 17) big enough to make any difference. Got the feeling my T34-100 would end up better at everything (not to mention cheaper) no matter what you equip on the JT, but thats just me, maybe?...


    No argue with you on the cats part, bro =^.^= ... <3<3
    Here you go.

    &quot;New&quot; upcoming game: Armor Blitz-jagtiger.png

    By no means the most optimized emblems, still looking to improve by a fair amount. Luck Emblem subs gives me extra damage/evasion/pen/attack speed, precision emblem subs gives me extra HP/Move speed/Evasion/attack speed, and attack speed emblem subs give me accuracy/crit/evasion/penetration/damage bonus. Unless I'm unlucky, she gets a lot of crits for 1500ish while sitting behind my heavies while regular attacks. Can one shot a few mediums/lights/some TD's as well with a crit ability shot. Great at hurting those evade tanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Personally, to me the game is boring. I already said this before, but the lack of content, the long down time between events, and the constant PoC 2 days grind is as far as content goes, lack luster.

    Many tanks I have still lack stories - which is another thing that can keep you going for a while, but when there are none.... well damn now what ?
    If the game doesnt increase the content variety, I will slowly drop it once Girls Symphony returns on DMM (should be just few months away now, we already got a notice from the new team). The game has some good things going for it - its very generous, the event tanks are actually pretty good compared to other games event units, the BASIC art style of the girls tends to be very very nicely done (especially on heavy tanks the armor looks good), but over all, the problem with this game is - once you clear the main story and get the tanks you wanted, clear most of the character stories and equip your main squad.... there is not really much to keep your interests.

    For example Flower Knight Girl, (on DMM that is) has multiple layered story lines, many different missions types, some of which require you to rebuild your team completely to fit, older events are re-issued periodically, the main story line missions are slowly being added, ALL the girls of 5-6 tier have theri character quests and at least 1st H scene done, (not sure about the chara. quest with lesser tier girls, but ALL of them have H scene if nothing else) and overall there is so much stuff you can do you that its actually impossible to get everything done at the same time, and you need to decide what to do and who to keep for next time (as you lvl up and get more Stamina per lvl this helps a lot in the long run).
    So the game is actually never really boring. And doesnt feel like chore. Something I have actually felt when playing AB - especially with PoC and the boring event missions which offer zero variation.

  3. #3
    TreadNaught Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Personally, to me the game is boring. I already said this before, but the lack of content, the long down time between events, and the constant PoC 2 days grind is as far as content goes, lack luster. So the game [. . .] feels like chore. Something I have actually felt when playing AB - especially with PoC and the boring event missions which offer zero variation.
    I get what you're saying, there's not much end game content and the lane game format can only carry so much variety before it starts getting gimmicky. The repair system is one of the things that makes playing feel like a chore because it crimps you into only using only a tiny portion of your tanks as reservedly as possible. It would be amazing if the game broke out of the lane game format completely to do some open field combat with elevation, line of sight and so on.

    Or like, let you build bases on captured tiles. Add a simple hex layout, each hex hold one unit or bunker and units stationed on a map stay there so you've got something for one, two and three star tanks to do. Base building elements like bunkers and mines would be something to spend currency on. Maybe bases could do something like give you one candy* on a successful defense.

    *Or some other as yet unimplemented shiny.

    AB could also do with some serious UI streamlining. Eg-
    How many clicks does it take to get to the center of "Where did I put that one goddamn evasion emblem with the extra range?"

    FKG has a lot more 'content' but isn't really engaging. It's not a game so much as a background process with tits.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Well lets be honest here, if you want a "Game" like what you described, you go play Civ. or DoW (not the shitty 3rd one though), etc.
    Most of these games are ment to be super casual where you are not required to actually "play". You set up your team and let the auto combat do its thing. No one can expect Xcom when coming into these games. Thats not what Browser games of this type set out to do.

    Personally I would like to see some variety in AB. Heck they could even to few Tower Defense maps, where you deploy your tanks on a winding path, they dont move, lets say they are elevated or something, and the enemy sends enemies towards you general.
    Or maybe a map where you can employ only Light tanks, and have to rush enemy positions. The map would be twice the size in length, and you would have to send your troops charging. Another one could be a hold the line mission where you can use only Heavy and Artillery tanks, and the enemy would send non tank units - Monsters (some reskinned creatures), at you and you would have to hold the line. offensive general abilities would be turned of and you could use only Heal and Defense up for example.
    I mean there are options. Something to break the monotone line combat just like you mentioned.
    But I suppose thats not what AB set out to do, I guess. Its supposed to be farily simple mobile game in the first place, so I do get it that improving on its aspects must be compatible with the mobile version, and they might be reluctant to change the formula that is already working.

    I like the idea of Being able to upgrade tiles to some degree and assign tanks that could "work" the tile would be a interesting concept so that you bench sitting units have something to do.
    It could for example give you things like placeable neko turrets, bunkers, mines etc. Just like what the enemy corruption gets, you could place some "annoyance" structures and items on the field before the start of the battle. The workable tiles would create these items - Imagine something like a hybrid between Factory and scouting, where multiple girls would be creating the item for a certain amount of time. It might cost some resources, and depending of how many girls and of what rarity are working on it, the building time might be reduced, or you would get a higher chance of getting better item (lets say there would be a 10% chance to get the big bunker Tower instead of the small neko turret, or something of that sorts")
    Yeah those would some cool things to break the boring monotone feel of the game, even if a little bit.
    PoC is another thing by itself though, but... ah well.

  5. #5
    TreadNaught Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    . . . you want a "Game" like what you described, you go play Civ. or DoW.
    I DO really enjoy playing dawn of war.
    . . . Well hell, you've twisted my arm.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by TreadNaught View Post
    I DO really enjoy playing dawn of war.
    . . . Well hell, you've twisted my arm.
    As do I.
    Dark Crusade is my favorite of them all, despite how good DoW 2. Soultstorm was Ok, Sisters and Deldar were fun, but I felt like the addition of pseudo flyiers didnt do good for the game, and the stroy telling was several notches weaker than in Dark Crusade (especially the character personality and speech you always got from them in DC was much worse in SS)
    For how old it was, that game did so many things right.
    Heck they even added the Tau and Necrons, something these titles normally either skip over coz - Posterboys, Space elves, Green Gitz and normal Humies are almost always the basic standard - or you have to wait for expansions.


    So got enough event items togather before the event ends to do the 40% chance pull and - lo and behold - lady luck smiled on me and gifted me with T-62 !
    This girl looks amazing ! I like her since she appeared in the main story. Her stats, at least in my oppinion are great for what is she supposed to be -a fast, back up tank with huge basic in build evasion.
    And just to clairfy for the haters - this is the first time I got a 5* from any of those "4-5 Tank" pulls. Every single time I got a 4* Tank, or 4* Emblem. So this girl is literally my first when it comes to those type of event pulls.

    What are your thought on her ? What emblems should I go for ? Seems Evasion and Accuracy to buff her survival as well as get her above 100% acu (she has 99% as base value) and the last one... HP ? She is not a fighter, she is a back up "oh shit I need to deploy something fast, to reach and protect my gun line" type of tank in my oppinion.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 01-09-2018 at 05:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    As do I.
    Dark Crusade is my favorite of them all, despite how good DoW 2. Soultstorm was Ok, Sisters and Deldar were fun, but I felt like the addition of pseudo flyiers didnt do good for the game, and the stroy telling was several notches weaker than in Dark Crusade (especially the character personality and speech you always got from them in DC was much worse in SS)
    For how old it was, that game did so many things right.
    Heck they even added the Tau and Necrons, something these titles normally either skip over coz - Posterboys, Space elves, Green Gitz and normal Humies are almost always the basic standard - or you have to wait for expansions.


    So got enough event items togather before the event ends to do the 40% chance pull and - lo and behold - lady luck smiled on me and gifted me with T-62 !
    This girl looks amazing ! I like her since she appeared in the main story. Her stats, at least in my oppinion are great for what is she supposed to be -a fast, back up tank with huge basic in build evasion.
    And just to clairfy for the haters - this is the first time I got a 5* from any of those "4-5 Tank" pulls. Every single time I got a 4* Tank, or 4* Emblem. So this girl is literally my first when it comes to those type of event pulls.

    What are your thought on her ? What emblems should I go for ? Seems Evasion and Accuracy to buff her survival as well as get her above 100% acu (she has 99% as base value) and the last one... HP ? She is not a fighter, she is a back up "oh shit I need to deploy something fast, to reach and protect my gun line" type of tank in my oppinion.
    I was a Necron player on TT, so I also preferred DC over any other DoW title. And I also got T-62 from one of my Soviet Packs. I agree that she's gorgeous. I haven't figured out exactly what emblems I want on her, but at this point she's one of my 'too low to matter, just grind XP for now' tanks. But eventually extra evasion will be paramount. Other than that I don't know.

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