Quote Originally Posted by Boorish Potato View Post
One thing I notice about AB is that is doe not handle losing focus well. At all.

If you tab out at any time while playing and then return to the game you're almost guaranteed a crash next time you try to launch into a battle. You'll just get the loading screen endlessly and will lose any oil you spent starting that battle. I'm more or less forced to shut the game down if I want to do anything else for any amount of time. That is something of a fatal flaw for a browser game.
Odd, I see this happen sporadically but not nearly as often as you describe. I tab out/go afk quite often and only see this happen maybe 2-3x a day and that's being logged on a minimum of 10 hours throughout the day.

By "this" I mean infinite loading, error message (either in-game or WebGL), etc. anything that forces you to reload game