Personally, I like Anemone's character and design, though I could agree on it being a bit generic.
Also, her attack animations are actually pretty nice.

What I don't like is the whole concept of a flower knight having multiple versions - especially using more than one of them in the same team.
It may be silly, but I find no sense in having the same girl twice in a team/squad but with a different outfit.
The only exception is when a 2-4* girl gets a stronger counterpart that can actually be used in most maps (for example Novalis or Di Yu).
I'd be all for a game mechanic where you have a single flower knight, whose forms you can switch if you get her from the gacha/seal stones, but I know good and well that ain't happening.

As for loli Cattleya, I'd prefer her being a separate unit because there would be more events to show her character more.
In her case, she only has separate voice recordings and a single character quest, which doesn't even explain why she's in such a form suddenly.