Wasn't expecting to get a response to my sig. Pest were actually annoying in Lavender's Perma-issue, the biggest annoyance is getting you ass kicked in re-issued missions by lv. 30 bugs (like the current one), when these are your team members:
Actually, it's as hard as Nutaku's FKG. Almost. When Lavender Reisue comes out on Nutaku, we have already good teams so, it's looks really easy. But I remember when I started on Nutaku, event missions were really hard. Even the beginner level.

If your team full of gold/silver arround lvl40 is so weak it's mainly because most of them are 0% affection. But actually, it's the easiest event of the game with Mountain Lily's event.

Also, pests level is just bullshit. you can fight high level pests in daily missions without any troubles but a team of 3 low level pests can nuke your best team on event maps. It's the same for recommended power level. You may need ~20k more on maps missions if you want to do something.