Kuko.... made it.... in.....
Myrdin.....happpy.....Kuko....is....mofu :3

(for those who dont have WolfBerry - Kuko, this is how she talks )

*So form I understand the PC progress is translated into the mobile version. And vice versa ? Thus if we pre-reg for it, we will get the rewards ?
That doesnt seem right somehow... Would be a pain in the ass to code what part of the game should be carried over as of to not end up the fresh Mobile version wiping out your PC version Progress and replacing it with the fresh installment, plus the rewards.
Coz it seems weird to and kinda hard to code in that only the rewards are carried over from the Mobile port to PC, but the progress - if higher on PC is kept untouched.
Any intel on this ? Coz you know... risking all the stuff we have on the PC version just to get it wiped by pre-reging for the mobile version would be ....ugh... enough for me to drop the game honestly, if that happened.