I did some number crunching (the old fashioned way) earlier today. Unless I made a mistake or forgot some important aspect of the game, the numbers seem to match up, in the sense that the time it takes to earn the cash needed to level up a girl (This includes both affection point cost and the upgrade cost) from 0 stars to 3 stars stay more or less the same no matter how many haramettes you have.

(Disclaimer: I didn't use the exact values of earnings but a single rounded up figure for all the girls, ignored the income from trolls/pvp, and I assumed that the formulae for affection point calulation haven't changed after the new patch.)

And also yes, with the 8 hour refresh time and the new legendary items, you can get the gifts you need faster than before. For example, if you need 15k affection points (which means you have more than enough girls in the harem to get the legendary items) and you just want to use legendary panties, you need just 10 of them. Even if only of them shows up with each refresh, you can get 10 in 80 hours. Before the patch the best item was the green panties with gave 100 points each, so you needed 150 of those. And even if all 8 slots in the shop we green panties (which never happens) you'd still have to have gone through 19 refreshes to gather all of them, and with the 12 hour refresh rate it would have taken roughly 10 days.

However, some things you need to keep in mind:

1. You won't feel like you're saving up any money because you'll be using up all you earn on getting the haramettes to 3 stars.
2. If you don't really need them, you should try to fight the urge to buy everything in the shop every time it refreshes.
3. The only time you'll be able to save some cash is when you're done raising the affection levels.
4. The number of affection points a girl needs to raise the affection level seems to be dependent on the number assigned to her in the harem, not by the total number of girls you have in the harem. (Or it depends on the number of 3 star girls already in the harem. <- Someone needs to check this.)

I was thinking for withdrawing my earlier suggestion to have the incomes increased by a percentage that goes up with the number of haramettes you have, but then I remembered the cash we have to spend on increasing our stats. With 150 stat points to add per level gained, it soon becomes quite expensive to max them. And we gain at least 1 level a day just by completing the daily missions. Yes, there's no use in maxing them out at the moment, but still sooner or later there will be some change to the game and we will have to max them out. Some extra cash would come in handy at that point.