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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Because "Simplifying 40% burst damage bonus gives about 300-345% additional damage done when FBing." just makes it sound fancy pancy impressive, without actually saying anything about how good (or bad) it actually it is.
    Because my point never was about saying whether exceed is good or bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Yes. And? Are you implying that three Exceeds is what you should have?
    No, I am putting in perspective how much damage exceed provides.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    And speaking of Wind, we can also say that 5 Wind UE weapons is a passive, always on PF. Is that nice? Sure. Is that good? ... not so sure, I'd much rather have HP so that I could actually live and make use out of any damage.
    Good luck finding dual assault/defenders in wind.
    Funnily enough, when you have Aether wind needs less exceeds than other elements (less damage cap raise needed and 10 stacks + PF hits burst damage cap).

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    The point is still is, you use what you get. And we don't really get to choose. In addition, people put Exceed on a pedestal. Which I don't think it deserves at all. It's only special when you need more burst cap, and only gigantic whales have issues with that.
    But in longer term many people will hit first burst cap against debuffed enemies (and even rags can be debuffed with enough people), so exceed will see some use. Aside from that, bonus damage to bursts is not bad. Does that mean, that taking it instead of Assault is good ? No, but none skills aside from Pride or Vigor are worthy of taking instead of Assault. Choice is more between Rush, Barrage, Exceed or Stinger. Does Exceed looks bad comparing it to them ? I don't think so. The truth is as you say though, most won't be having that much of a problem with choosing, because there'll be nothing to choose from anyway.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Oh, yea, Wind is relatively defender starved. Outside of Kyuuki bow, your remaining viable SSR options are... FLB'd Garuda hammer x2, Garuda axe if you're fine with Vigoras instead of Assault or Pride (July), and Stolas axe (November). It's why I think that Sytry's gun from Monoceros right now is a viable stopgap option if you crave some HP.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Oh, yea, Wind is relatively defender starved. Outside of Kyuuki bow, your remaining viable SSR options are... FLB'd Garuda hammer x2, Garuda axe if you're fine with Vigoras instead of Assault or Pride (July), and Stolas axe (November). It's why I think that Sytry's gun from Monoceros right now is a viable stopgap option if you crave some HP.
    s assault+ s defender dualskill sr is a good option for a long time for almost everyone. We will have fire bow and something dark (lance?) with this skillset too. Another option - hime weapon like Hastur's orb (L defender+ S assault), that is great even LB0.
    BTW, Kuyuki is not reprinted on DMM yet, but we have another Typhon on DMM reprint right now - only in 1 year after previous. I pray about Garuda's another reprint because both weapons are amazing, not like Typhon's.
    Kuyuki bow FLB should be L defender+ s assault, like Sphinx hammer.

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest

    A few questions

    1) I see there is a 20 enhancement cap. Does each level count as 1 enhancement? What is the max number of levels? Does each level cost only 1 point or do they get progressively more expensive? Do the 15 point skills affect the cap?

    2) I've heard people say double and triple attack are the best enhancements for Herc. Not sure why since she already bursts quickly. Wouldn't atk up be better? Also, are either of her new skills worth getting?

    3) If double attack is so great, why don't rush weapons get more love?

  5. #5
    2) I've heard people say double and triple attack are the best enhancements for Herc. Not sure why since she already bursts quickly. Wouldn't atk up be better? Also, are either of her new skills worth getting?
    Wouldn't a more consistent fast bursting herc better?

    3) If double attack is so great, why don't rush weapons get more love?
    Rush weapon = Generally SR weapons assault% with 5% extra double attack rate (according to DMM wiki) with double the amount of SL fods needed to level. You tell me if that is worth investing in.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Woah, be careful to point out that 5% for Rush comes from either Rush (M) or Rush (L) (I'm not sure which; the wiki will list 3% for M at lv 20, but that's not definitive). There's ambiguity as more testing is still needed. Although I think Gludateon's testing here so far would at least indicate that 5% is probably way above what Rush (S) offers.

    Why don't rush weapons get more love then? Because a lot of the rush weapons that also carry assault or pride tend to be Rush (S). Rush (S) is highly likely to be not all that impactful.

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