Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
If you're base assault is around 50,000 Assault and 7,500 Hp, using a weapon that is Assault+ and Defender+ will add 6,5k assault and 975 hp when equipped (+13% each) which is a total bonus of 7,500 additional power. This far more than the 400 assault and 30 hp you lose when replacing an level 85 Assault+ SR. Add about four or five weapons like that and you'll add over 50% to your hitpoints, while losing very little assault. That takes the average Hime from 7,500 hp to 12,000 hp. Your survivability will go up dramatically.

Remember going from Assault+ (SR weapon) to Assault++ (SSR weapon) adds base 3% or an overall ~1.3% additional assault (rule of thumb). That means at 50,000 base assault even if the weapon loses 400 assault it gains 650 assault from the additional strength (net 250 assault for your team). That generally makes them a push. It's when it has the defender that there's no competition.

I don't think Artemis is necessary for the next MTix, you'd probably be better of picking up either Lugh, Iris, or Takeminakata if you're helping your Light team or picking up Pluto for your Dark team.

If you're around ~80 to 100% assault for Fire, it's fine to turn back to your main teams. That's around 12 to 15 skill level for SRs and 10 or so for SSRs. More helps, but you should really work to up your main team most of the time. If that's Light, look for an assault/defender weapon and up that and put it in your grid. You should see no loss in damage and decent up in hit points every time you replace them.

The Light SR lance is definitely not as strong as Eros or Frey's weapon. Replace that for sure. (I'd keep it just in case a phantom lance drops for you and you need to jump to five lance weapons immediately.)


P.S. Keep the UE Axe we get some more chances at it in a couple of months. You can at least FLB the one you have (if it's already at skill level 20).

Stick with bricking Michael's Lance for now; Trish's weapon gets Assault (3rd skill) on her FLB upgrade. At that point it becomes viable. Look at your other Dark and Light weapons (Lances, Glaives, Hammers, and Bows) all have Assault. You'll want to Brick them (Chernobog's Lance for example).

Alrighty then, I'll start working on my SSRs. Thanks for all the help again. Damn, guess I was wasting time leveling the SRs. So many wasted R weapons...oh well, live and learn. Should I replace the SRs in my grids with them right away (well, after they hit lv50), or is it better to wait until they get to an equivalent skill level to the SR they're replacing? Leveling skills feels like the slowest thing for me right now.

And these are my available SSRs for my Light, Dark, and Fires. Are there any I should prioritize over others? Like, for Darks Kali's weapon has Pride and Barrage, would that be more important than Amaterasu's mirror for example?
Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-kamihime-light-ssrs.jpg Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-kamihime-dark-ssrs.jpg Kamihime General Discussion + Q&A-kamihime-fire-ssrs.jpg

And does getting a single Phantom drop really mean overhauling the whole grid? I thought you'd want several before committing to that.

And what do Lugh, Iris, and Takeminakata do? I hadn't heard of them before today. And who would they replace?
And I guess Pluto would probably replace Chernobog on my Darks were I to go after her, yes? Kyc was telling me about her earlier.