Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
Osiris hitting no double/triple
Turn 1: EI(20)+DH(15) = 35
Turn 4: Burst
Turn 6: DH(15)
Turn 7: EI(20)
Turn 8: Burst
Turn 11: DH(15)
Turn 13: Burst
Turn 14: EI(20), don't need it on turn 13
Turn 16: DH(15)
Turn 17: Burst
Turn 20: EI(20)
Turn 21: DH(15)+Burst
Turn 26: DH(15)+Burst
Turn 27: EI(20)
Turn 31: Burst
Turn 32: DH(15)
Turn 33: EI(20)
Turn 35: Burst

Math done assuming all other 3 himes don't have BG/DATA issues and only Osiris can't hit a double/triple. 1turn=10BG, data shows 8th burst on 35th turn OR 4.375 turn bursts with 0 DA/TA from Osiris.

By your logic, anyone who can't get MVP shouldn't bother with raids because they are pathetic. Then let's leave those who can get MVP to go solo a raid without other people debuffing or using raid-wide buffs. Oh, and since people are pathetic any ways, they probably shouldn't bother playing the game.

And apparently, you could not understand me when I was trying to be civil and indirect but that's not working so I'll just be straightforward here. It's obvious you're a dick but still, tone it down.

P.S. By the way, can I see how awesome you are soloing Rag raid? Record a video so everybody can see how great you are at this game. Since you are that awesome, you will obviously be MVP. And since you are the MVP the other 19 surely aren't even needed this should be very easy for you.
Jesus you use EI in 1st turn ?, how can you do PF then?, the typical shingen PF FB combo is
T1: 1st skill and 3rd skill
T2: aa
T3: aa
T4: if shingen have 2 DA or 1 TA is the last 3 turn, she will end up with 96BG, just enough to use combo PF+1st skill + EI to FB with PF