I'll never understand the apologist attitude of those who defend censorship in any form. You're not doing anyone any favors. "Oh, but rape/pedophilia/bestiality." Fiction. Fiction, fiction, fiction. Learn the difference between reality and fiction, learn that these people don't exist, and learn that this hurts literally no one.

You've got this one guy talking about dying on a hill of fetishes, but he's the one choosing to die on a hill protecting people that don't exist thinking that people who do will actually care.

You can tell these people are not creators. They've never made an artistic endeavor that they've held dearly. And they've never had to defend anything they've made from others, no matter how harmless. These people disgust me. They're human trash without a shred of empathy, and I wish nothing but all the ills of the world upon them.

Now leave the rest of us to enjoy our own private choices and go back to whatever safe space you need to protect you from the fictional evils of the world.

Thank you, as always, to sanahtlig for challenging these decisions and working to keep consumers informed of the true nature of products they're potentially putting their money into. You do excellent work and we could never thank you enough for it.