Quote Originally Posted by nazrin992 View Post
If they din't want controversial stuffs, they might as well do games like the Poker shit, Pussy Saga and Moist something game because those games fits their... region I suppose.

They know what they are getting into the moment they put games like Aigis, FKG and KHP in their site.
If it's a choice between censored game and no game, I'm grateful to them for releasing the game. The sort of infrastructure this sort of thing takes to set up is not minor, and it seems absurd to me that people don't seem to realize that here.

As a large company you can't go painting a target on your back putting out objectionable content in regions that are against it. While I'm not gung-ho for All of the Censorships All of the Time, the actual business concerns here being handwaved by the posters here like they would totally do it better is completely absurd.

You want to do it better? By all means, go to it. I don't fault sanahtlig(sp) for recording it, but to act like it's a grand conspiracy and not just them trying to do business is the height of foolishness.