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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
    "I want to get flooded with text"
    You asked for this, so brace yourself!

    The current wind meta should look like: Shingen with lance (my bad, it's already not "current"), Cu, Titania AW, Cybele(U), Hastur.
    You use BG up on Hastur & DATA buff on Shingen and atk/def buff on whatever.. then the rest of the stuff seems obvious enough, won't bother with that. So here we go with worst case scenario:

    Turn0: 35, 20, 45, 0, 30

    Shingen(bonus 2.5 BG from every hit due to passive) is basically guaranteed to at least DA with Titania DATA, Cu will TA for 2t, Cybele DA at least.

    Turn1: 60, 50, 55, 20, 40

    Turn2: 85, 80, 65, 40, 50

    Pop PF at this point, so Shingen back to 35 BG, Cu TA expired.

    Turn3: 60, 90, 75, 60, 60

    Shingen BG gain reloaded (60->95), all Titania buffs expired.

    Turn4: 100, 100, 85, 80, 70

    Turn5: All set, just go pew pew!

    That is supposed to be the wind meta for a while. Again, this is a worst case scenario, the party can be ready with the burst one turn earlier depending on RNG.
    What's after this? Fill the hole due to the lack of Cu's guaranteed TA with Titania buff since Shingen won't need it this time (30 insta BG after burst) & repeat.

    The meta won't change fundamentally later on, tho I'm not an expert in future stuff excluding my main (light) element.

    The difference between Titania & Cybele is that Cybele can only maintain her own BG gain while Titania has a decent BG gain herself due to her passive, and can contribute to the BG gain of other members of the team. And Cybele's debuff can be replaced by Sniper Shot.. tho you will have to prepare for some misses. :x

    Now.. as for your team, you're lacking Cu & Cybele in case you mtix Titania. However, you got Pussydon, who solves the problem of not having fast units in the 1st burst cycle, then the 2nd can be patched up by Titania.. tho it will still be slower.
    With Pussydon, everyone is going to have basically free +30 BG by the end of turn3, which means everyone has at least 60 by then. Since noone has a specific burst gain mechanic except Titania, she will take the 1st slot after Shingen, then whatever order you prefer. Shingen will still need Titania's DATA buff, but will be ready after turn 3 like that. Titania 75+30.. even overkill, all good. Slot3 needs 80 BG, but only guaranteed to get 60, so BG up from Titania here. Slot4.. pray for a DA at least. Slot5, 60 BG, all ready.

    As for your dilemma.. well, I can't really help more with that. Flip a coin. :x

    Quote Originally Posted by HugMeTender View Post
    Didn't catch a reply so I'll just quote.

    For my light team, my weapons and Eidolon are horrendous, but I DO have Sol, Shamash, and light Tsuku, which makes me one light Hime from a full team.

    My Thunder team is currently Athena, Brahma, Nemesis, and Sol (need those heals)

    Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
    Without information on the rest of your teams.. Mammon, it is.
    Also, it may or may not sound unbelievable, but you will reach a point where you won't need heals, so make sure to drop Sol if you're clearing stuff on basically max HP. HP is there to be eaten slowly. As long as it's not completely eaten, that is.

    Your light seems good already, the current choices don't give you too much gain. Unless you want to get ready for 7 months away Michael AW.
    Last edited by nonsensei; 07-28-2018 at 11:57 AM. Reason: Correction on wind meta BG explanation due to typo
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