Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
You'd run with 0 debuffs?
You still need debuffs for solo content?

Wasting one MT for a KH just for a SS replace is BS.
Next MT you can get the strongest fire Unit => Fire Freyr
She has 30% fire RST down, she is faster than Uriel, can hit cap too and does way more spike dmg.

Obv Amaterasu looks really garbage in comparison
You'd have 50 def down, but you'd have a slowpoke, and debuffs aren't even necessary, the 30 down is a bonus with Frey anyway
considering that Frey is just a god tier unit in general.

Furthermore Cerberus has a guaranteed 15% def down which means you would already have 45% def down if you use Fire Freyr and a Cerberus support.

Therefore use your current MT for Svarog, Uriel or Fire Amon.
Any of those 3 paired with Fire Freyr is already solid

And tbh if you need debuffs get Hercules and run SS.
you are better off to run Fire Amon than Amaterasu.

Anyway if you guys are sane then don't waste a MT for a useless unit which will become completly useless soon.