Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Thunder is my absolute worst team, so I will let others comment on that one.

Your light team is very strong already and I have to suppress my light obsession to say this, but spending the mtix on another team and using the next mtix for Lugh probably makes the most sense.

If you do use an mtix for light, Takeminakata is indeed probably the best one. She is pretty versatile but her speed and dmg output is inconsistent and requires some getting used to. Not everyone likes her because of that, so make sure you understand how she works before you mtix her. I find her very good for debuff resistant and high defense bosses 'cos her echo burst bypasses all defenses and for chores that I just want to get through quickly (like advents and lower level AQ if you do those.) If you just want to 'store' dmg and unleash one big number (e.g. for GO), Meta AW is your girl and you have her already.

If you don't like Take but insists on spending an mtix on light, I would actually recommend Eros. Between Sol and Eros, you should be able to deal with whatever random mechanic the devs throw at us. This is pretty far out, but Eros also gets an AW next Feb that makes her very good. For now though, her main role on your team would be to provide tactical options. If you just want to hit hard though, she isn't gonna help (until her AW.)

I would not mtix Vishnu, Frey or SSArty. Vishnu is gimmicky, Frey is a one-trick pony, and SSArty is falling out of meta due to Lugh and Iris. They aren't bad, just that light has some insanely good himes =P
Thanks for the info. I actually already have Eros but she is so far out of meta that I didn't mention her. Maybe with her AW she will find a use but right now she is on the bench