Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Grid refers to the 10 equipped weapons for a given team.
% usually refers to assault/character atk.
Assault (small) has a base amount of 0%, (medium) gives 3%, and (large) gives 6%. Pride itself has a base amount of 0%. SR weapons with just assault are medium. SSR weapons with just assault are large. SSR weapons with two skills will have one being medium and the other being small.
Each skill lvl on a weapon with Assault or Pride adds 0.5% (regardless of small/medium/large).
Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Sadly, there's no easy way to calculate this.
R weapons are 0% base. SR weapons are 3%. SSR weapons are 6%. Dual skill weapons, if they're Hime release weapons, usually have one SSR skill and one R skill, and event dual-skill weapons are SR and R.
Each skill LEVEL is 0.5%, and yes, that means that dual-skills double-dip into this.

So for example 10 equipped SR weapons with each slvl20 is (10*3%) + (10*20*0.5%) = 30% + 100% = 130% grid.

I've made a spreadsheet for myself to help keep track of what weapons I have for each element and their skill levels, and it calculates the exact percentages for me.
Thank you guys! Now I understand it and how I calculate it

Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Correct. You are in a rather unique spot with that, as Dark Amaterasu is not a common thing to have.
I'd still highly recommend grabbing Mordred at least once you've taken care of the rest of the useful Souls (Gawain, Cass, Joan, maybe Andromeda). Because this way, you can do content with other element teams while leaving out Dark Amaterasu. That might be a thing you'll need to do one day... ... though probably not since Dark works against all elements.
At the moment I am focusing on Joan. I already have Gawain and Cass max level. Gilgamesh is almost level 20 and I already unlocked Roland.
My Rank is 36 and I have 300 Soul Points, 200 more then I will finally unlock my first Legendary.
Since I am a new player and Grotesque Wings of Arrogance is my first event, it will take time until I will unlock more Legendary Soul's.