Quote Originally Posted by Gacha View Post
I can vouch for that since I rolled Hraes I got a friend request from you and I only started playing a week ago I got pretty lucky on my reroll landing Hraes and Cu Chulainn on the first 3000 jewel roll. Only took less than 100 tries I think less than 5 hours for sure. And I was rerolling on my phone too although the IP restriction is easier to bypass as just turning airplane mode on and off did the trick.
So I bought a Miracle ticket and picked Unleashed Cybele. Any suggestions on what to do next? Seems like I'm starting to hit a wall.
Titania for speed up your team and then Aether for dmg, You just start for a week so your grid probably shit, go to the wiki search for the time gem quest appear and farm the shit out of of it, and then spam Gem Gacha for leveling folders