Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
You can live in the far future as much as you want, but you're still selling a 100% Eidolon against a 100% Eidolon. Yes, Hanuman is slightly better... if you can fulfill the requirement of Wind Eidolon Grid without sacrificing base Atk. Hint, you can't.

In a year, Hanuman is somewhat better. 120% Hanuman against 100% Hraes is certainly a damage increase, but again, going to 140% will require a Wind Eidolon Grid. Even if you do go 140% Hanuman, hell, even if you go DOUBLE 140% Hanuman, the damage increase when compared to double 100% Hraes is barely enough to cover the 16% extra damage you get from Hraes being able to get your Def debuffs from 40% to 50%. Of course, this doesn't apply to debuff immune content.

Again, you're seriously overselling Hanuman.
I disagree about going one element eidolon grid is worse. Going one element grid has benefit using the likes of hanuman, managram, anubis etc. Going one element eidos grid will benefit you with extra 10% eidos stats increase. So 2400 attack and 800hp if same element its automatically will become 2640 and 880hp. That doesn't cover 20% more passive from opponent eidolon. If you have hanuman the extra benefit would be at least 40% more extra elemental buff from eidolon. 40% elemental attack is big and 10% extra stats mostly have covered the status decrease from using weaker status eidolon but many wind eidolon has strong stats too so it isn't a problem.