First welcome to the game! I hope you're going to enjoy, I know I do. Been a long term player (but took a break, then came back and really got hooked) and for what's it worth I think Kamihime is one of the most honest "freemium browser games" out there. Sure they hope that you're going to grab your wallet and invest some money, but: you don't have to.

Now... Many people talk about rerolling and plotting and all that. My advice: do take note of those but don't overvalue it too much. Because in my opinion several aspects get overrated. Sure, having a cool SSR Eidolon in your setup is good, no arguments. But the problem is that SSR is a very rare Eidolon. And that can bring problems in itself....

See: Kamihime and Eidolons have limits to their maximum level. The cool part is that you can level break them which means that you can level them up a little further. The costs for this differ. For kamihime you need various materials, which you can gain from the daily quests (not all!). But Eidolons require another Eidolon to level break. So here's my issue: considering how rare certain SSR's are, how do you expect to gain more and level break them?

Don't get me wrong though: some SSR Eidolon's are good to have no matter what, absolutely. But I still dare say that you can gain more from trying to obtain good SSR's from events and actually having a good shot at level breaking them to the max (you can then raise them to level 100) rather than having a cool but super rare SSR Eidolon which you can only upgrade to level 40 at best (which is very easy to do over time).

Since you're new: there are often events going out where you can gain items by fighting and then trading those items for rewards. For example: right now there is the Sphinx and Vritra event where you can battle either Eidolon, gain items, and then trade those in the shop (see Quests => SP quests, first page). That can also help boost your stuff.

And another tip: be sure to scope out the shop too! The single player missions gain you items too, which you can use to trade in the shop. You can even trade for Eidolons and... you may have guessed it: if you grind a bit you can gain more and then level break 'm.

Quote Originally Posted by Luffy911 View Post
There are so many gachees to choose from. I'm wondering if there are some have higher chances than the rest or if some KH are better than others.
Others have already mentioned the paid types. Also pay attention to the Gem and magic jewel gachas. Even though they are "free" (you can easily gain gems) they're actually pretty good! You won't get more than R (rare) types out of the Gem cacha but even so: it's worth it. Magic jewels, same thing. But it's harder to get something good.

Tip: especially when you're just starting: aim for 10 gachas rather than singles. The gem gacha doesn't really matter too much afaik but the others do. Rolling 10 usually gets you some kind of (good) guaranteed drop which is always good to have.

Quote Originally Posted by Luffy911 View Post
I think I understand the game so far but need to read more about upgrading skills limit break etc as I progress more into the game.
You do?

Sorry, just teasing. Kamihime can be tricky to get started with. But very rewarding. My tips...

Don't pay too much attention to what people tell you to do (me included!). Sure, this can lead up to good results, but in the end it's your game. Nothing beats discovering stuff on your own IMO.

Patience! Really, having patience to build up your teams and upgrading them goes a long way. Others already mentioned: expect to work on your team(s) for several weeks if not months. But it's oh so rewarding. I don't focus on a single team but instead I maintain 8 separate element teams, mixed with a few different souls. Tip: take good note of your playing style. Several kamihime (and eidolons) have different powers which can cater to different play styles. When a Kamihime is marked 'tricky' that's usually true: it can be tricky to use them to their full potential, but if you do.... yeah, well worth it. But it can take lots of patience! (some abilities only unlock and get even better at higher levels).

Do NOT underestimate R(are) type kamihime! Sure... SR and SSR are very good, especially because you can level them up more. (rare type kamihimes can only be broken 3 times; which gives you a max. level of 50. SR otoh can be broken 4 times and can go all the way up to 70). SR and SSR usually also have more and better abilities. Despite that do not make the mistake of thinking that SR is always better than R, it's not. It depends on the kamihime's abilities, your play style, the team setup, the team overall balance, etc, etc.

Make friends! And maintain your friends! Another reason why I think rerolling is sometimes overrated: if you have active friends you can use their eidolons. And well, most of my friends are just as active (even more!) as I am, giving me access to several high level eidolons, even a few level 100 types. Make friends, but also go over your friends list from time to time and get rid of inactive players. Last seen 30 days ago? Consider dumping those and then replacing them with other (more active) friends again. Why? Because you'll most likely not see their Eidolons appear in your availability lists. Active friends > inactive friends.

Speaking of friends: Feel free to add me if you'd like: 3565105 (I assume your name is the same? If not kindly share I am picky who I add or not) Dunno if I can befriend lower level players (I'm lvl 56 atm) but in this case I wouldn't mind trying

And don't forget these forums too It's a really fun place IMO.

Finally: have some fun! Don't forget what this game is all about 8)

Hope this was somewhat useful.