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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    I don't think that something that is literally only useful in a punching dummy event can be considered anything other than garbage...
    Light Nike
    On a more serious note, something being niche does not mean it's garbage. That mentality may prove fatal in some competitive content. And damn Siegfried with ATK weapon does seem really good for dealing damage in short period of time (double 4~5 nuke at raging, stun burst with 40% echo burst). Is it better than what Herc/Shingen/whatever have to offer ? In most cases not, but in some it may be, and Siegfried is free.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Funny enough, because I define 'stun punisher' as the skill as opposed to the [i]character/i] possessing the skill, 'beating raging enemies extra hard' doesn't do anything for my evaluation of 'stun punishers' specifically. What that means for Siegfried is that her 'weight/gameplay value' from a design perspective isn't mostly tied up into her anti-stun buff, unlike Ea (that is what screws characters like her over; offering little outside of a very flawed mechanic). Buffing her anti-raging stuff can be nice. They can elevate Siegfried depending on what you're looking for. Doesn't change that 'stun punisher' as a class of skills/specific mechanic is usually utterly fucked by the enemy design xP

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
    Light Nike
    Light Nike can be useful in GO and AQ5. I assume that means also AQ6 and AQ7, but I haven't looked into those. Meanwhile, I don't think that Stun punishers are useful in any of the four GOs I know of so far, and in AQ5 they can only be used in... Fire, Water and Wind wave2.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
    On a more serious note, something being niche does not mean it's garbage. --
    Stun punishers CAN do massive amounts of damage since the modifier is usually extremely high and in a (almost) unique modifier (doesn't stack with Berserk). But again, since in just about all content there is no point in them since you've already won when you reach Stun, what's the point? Why not use something that'll actually help you win?

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Meanwhile, I don't think that Stun punishers are useful in any of the four GOs I know of so far, and in AQ5 they can only be used in... Fire, Water and Wind wave2.Stun punishers CAN do massive amounts of damage since the modifier is usually extremely high and in a (almost) unique modifier (doesn't stack with Berserk). But again, since in just about all content there is no point in them since you've already won when you reach Stun, what's the point? Why not use something that'll actually help you win?
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Light Nike can be useful in GO and AQ5. I assume that means also AQ6 and AQ7, but I haven't looked into those. Meanwhile, I don't think that Stun punishers are useful in any of the four GOs I know of so far, and in AQ5 they can only be used in... Fire, Water and Wind wave2.Stun punishers CAN do massive amounts of damage since the modifier is usually extremely high and in a (almost) unique modifier (doesn't stack with Berserk). But again, since in just about all content there is no point in them since you've already won when you reach Stun, what's the point? Why not use something that'll actually help you win?
    Awesome for F14 Tower.
    2nd Boss 50% Trigger... get her in rage, let her kill your meatshield, she will go in stun.
    Meatshield is dead = Stun KH from sub will come and do her job.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    I don't think that Stun punishers are useful in any of the four GOs I know of so far
    Present GO batch has one stage with enemy that has rage bar, so it is pretty bad. For next GO batch stages 3-5 have enemies with rage bar. Will stun punishers be useful there ? Doubt it, but we'll see.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    and in AQ5 they can only be used in... Fire, Water and Wind wave2
    That's half of AQs though ? Okay, that's only stage 2, so it's not terribly useful indeed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    But again, since in just about all content there is no point in them since you've already won when you reach Stun
    Hold on, define this "just about all content", because aside from Light present Ragnarok raids have stun phase 'pretty early'. Raid events also very often have stun phase before end of fight.

    Also for me "niche use" means that something is less than optimal in most cases, but in some it may be the best option.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    I can kind of agree on Catastrophe raids, as the majority of them see stun at least twice.
    I would not agree with raid events. They're usually normal->raging->stun->normal, possibly a bit of raging round 2 if shavers were used in raging #1. Otherwise, by the time you hit stun, you've already gone through the bulk of the threat the fight poses.
    Unless you're arguing less for materially affecting odds of victory and more for something else, like using a stun punisher to yank away MVP. Then there's enough remaining HP for that to be possible in some cases.

  7. #7

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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
    That's half of AQs though ? Okay, that's only stage 2, so it's not terribly useful indeed.
    Yup, the problem with AQ5 isn't Wave2 but Wave3. I don't think it's possible to get caught on Wave2 if you're able to clear Wave3, which is... not excellent design.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
    Hold on, define this "just about all content", because aside from Light present Ragnarok raids have stun phase 'pretty early'.
    Humm, I don't have written data on Ult Disasters... Out of memory:
    Fire Stuns once. Because he'll never Rage again, it's not useful there.
    Water could be useful, as it Stuns multiple times. Have fun hitting your Stun punisher into a 100% damage cut though, huehuehuehuehuehuehuehueheu public raids are cancer thanks devs
    Wind could be useful, again Stuns multiple times. Also, as debuff immune content, this is exactly the kind of content where extra modifiers - such as Stun punishers - can shine. Uuuh, who is the Fire Stun punisher again? ... devs? ... hello?
    Thunder has the shortest Stun period of anything I've ever seen (what the hell is it, like 1%?), but if you're soloing, you can make it work.
    Light doesn't Stun without some SERIOUS shenanigans. Even if it does, it doesn't matter since you just won.
    Dark could be useful. Stun punishers always last one turn, so it's not like you'll get Dispelled or anything.

    So 4/6, in theory at least. Which isn't bad if you're struggling with them, actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
    Raid events also very often have stun phase before end of fight.
    I guess that's useful for the Raid Ticket solo quests. Aside from that, there's little reason to ever solo them - and if you don't solo, it's quite difficult to time your punisher right. Kamihime has never been very good at being precise with information presented to you in raids, and now that half the time you don't even see the messages anymore... ...

  8. #8
    Right now only Light Disaster has the unique Mode Gauge size of basically 50% her HP being a full gauge. Fire and Dark have a fairly large Mode Gauge aswell, but can still get into Stun 2 times during one fight.

    But, the major thing to keep in mind is, that I specifically said "after a certain point in power" she is viable. To clarify this more: Sieg specifically needs help to make use of her full potential, which is not an option if it already takes you 10 turns to get something into raging. Same goes for the Punch Dummy. If you dont have a proper setup, you gonna fall short, rarly overshoot though. The extra hit from her Assault Relic helps her keeping better control over Rage Gauges. The extra Buff from her Hammer helps out for regular usage to provide more party wide offense.

    Siegfried is not a Soul that works by herself as the likes of Arthur or Herc. She needs more thought in her usage aswell as some support. She is by no means something for a beginner to pick up, I'd even say she isnt something a semi-veteran should pick up, but for veterans (meaning, proper understanding and knowledge of the games mechanics) and high-power caliber players, she might be exactly what they want to make more out of what they already have.

    Public raids are often enough a problem due to either having the lack of information about the bosses status (bug that doesnt update normal-rage-stun properly) or to many people that it lags heavily (or the fight is just outright over before anything major has been done).

  9. #9
    Siegfried, Ea and Oceanus are sick.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Itoshira View Post
    Siegfried is not a Soul that works by herself as the likes of Arthur or Herc. --
    Arthur works by herself?!

    ... well, I guess being able to be PF effortlessly is something...
    Quote Originally Posted by Pigeon View Post
    Siegfried, Ea and Oceanus are sick.
    Notice that this guy is reaching 2m with all characters - not just Stun punishers. That means that these numbers are not something realistic you can ever expect to reach.

    At least now I understand why is Water the strongest one in the dummy event. Indeed, when you reach the soft-damage cap and Berserk doesn't work, there's literally only one way forward. And Water is the only one (that I can think of) that has two Stun punishers.

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