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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by kyc992 View Post
    Well, there are a few problems with the DMM version though... how many people are actually willing to throw everything away and start from scratch while missing out on event weapons. Considering not a lot, and most of the players will likely be newer players, if the average player count does not exceed a certain point... will the DMM version close down and just leave it to Nutaku? In the end, wouldn't that mean you'd have to come back?

    Oh I totally expect them to up the rate up on the Himes to GET people to move over. You could play on Taco and maybe get an SSR per 10 roll OR you could come to DMM and get 3 per roll kinda crazy!! I'm totally exaggerating here, but the point is, with digital goods, it's free for them to 'convince' people to come to their server (which gives them more of a return) and start fresh.

    If they start the game fresh, it'll be fine also as getting to where I am right now is, honestly, about 4 Miracle Tickets total for me to redo my Light team and everything else will be similar, but just a little different. None of my other teams are necessary as I use them (or the Dark one) nearly 90+% of the time. Plus I expect better service and for them to roll out upgrades (software ones) in a similar fashion that they currently have for the Japanese DMM server. Which means the QOL on the DMM server will be better.

    I'm feeling pretty ambivalent about the whole change actually. It'll be a less stressful game (since I know how to play it now) and I won't feel like I'm always behind the leaders we have on the Taco version. Not that won't fall behind again, but it'll be a lot less of a lead as I'll be able to start at server creation.


  2. #2
    Well, I guess it's fine if the game has a fresh start. But as Nut pointed out, they are using the Lakshmi and UE rematch for the Avatar... which is why I also am assuming the game does not get a fresh start. In the case it is NOT a fresh start, missing out on all those grids could really hurt.. especially since we will soon be getting debuff resistant content from what I know.
    However, if the game does get a brand new start, then it would be like you said, a good reason for people looking to start fresh. If anything, what worries me is that there isn't a "fix" to rate ups or raid servers. The only way to tell would be to wait for the official release and actually playing it to test it out.

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