At lolix, thank you for settling that with me, I think I understand your take now.

At Asdf, I agree that things are very flexible as I've found, but new maps can also be extremely varied. Looking at the 100/2 map from Rita event and one Sora posted in other thread makes me think that some sort of ranged on melee unit like a ninja would make things much easier. They may be few and far between, but if so few maps even at G level require multiple AW'd units then why would you not pick up a a good ninja first to ensure you can at least get completion rewards in the meanwhile? More rainbows and SCs from events is a good thing.

At sora, I say two AW archers for Crystal G because the best guide i could find did it with two Archers as only AW units. I'll link it so maybe you can tell me something I'm missing about the units used that made things easier than they would be for myself. The buff to dmg against flying units innate to archer AW is insane, enough that I can't even touch X with maxed archers and healers ready for AW. If your opinion is that having saki for events first and putting off Crystal G when you can still farm H in the meantime is better, then I can see that as well. It is a large step up in difficulty for sure. About the lack of silver healers, that's a big thing. If you only do map completion and tutorial, you only get 4 silver healers and iris, leaving you 1 short of getting 3 CCed Healers which are very much necessary to complete the story maps and farm a lot of harder maps. If I hadn't been lucky enough to pick up an extra silver from Shrine, I'd still be farming Fiery Oasis instead of Base Scramble II and unable to do half the EX orb dailies.

Thank you again for the input everyone.