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  1. #10
    Hi all my first time posting here. Been playing Nutaku Aigis for the last two months now so till a newish player, have been trying to build up my team as fast as possible to have a good chance at taking on events in the future such as this one (I started playing the last week of the event 'General of a ruined land' so missed out on both units).

    Anyway onto this event, I have been watching most of the guides on the expert mission and lately had only been able to get up to the 400 kill mark. But a couple of runs ago I managed to get 499 kills (One dragon slipped through, didn't have enough DPS due to the lich's) since then I haven't been able to recreate what I did to reach that mark.

    I use Bashira as my main dps as I wasn't having much luck with Valerie against the 3 lichs which is what killing me. My question would be are Bandits better lightning rods than my tanks like bernice? I use Sybilla (lvl 55) around the time the lichs appear but she usually gets killed off by the time the second lich gets to her so I use to swap in bernice but she usually doesn't last long either (well not long enough for me to kill one lich off) Would a bandit with more health be good for my healers to keep alive, I have both a CCed Alissa Maxed and CCed Iris lvl 40.
    Last edited by Jay Rich; 05-22-2016 at 05:46 AM.

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