Quote Originally Posted by Jay Rich View Post
Hi all my first time posting here. Been playing Nutaku Aigis for the last two months now so till a newish player, have been trying to build up my team as fast as possible to have a good chance at taking on events in the future such as this one (I started playing the last week of the event 'General of a ruined land' so missed out on both units).

Anyway onto this event, I have been watching most of the guides on the expert mission and lately had only been able to get up to the 400 kill mark. But a couple of runs ago I managed to get 499 kills (One dragon slipped through, didn't have enough DPS due to the lich's) since then I haven't been able to recreate what I did to reach that mark.

I use Bashira as my main dps as I wasn't having much luck with Valerie against the 3 lichs which is what killing me. My question would be are Bandits better lightning rods than my tanks like bernice? I use Sybilla (lvl 55) around the time the lichs appear but she usually gets killed off by the time the second lich gets to her so I use to swap in bernice but she usually doesn't last long either (well not long enough for me to kill on lich off) Would a bandit with more health be good for my healers to keep alive, I have both a CCed Alissa Maxed and CCed Iris lvl 40.
Well, I haven't got 500 yet, but I'm in a situation similar to yours (getting to 492 regularly) trying to find the best way to beat the 3 lich 5 dragon ending. Right now there seems to be 5-7 important slots for the lich part, and the rest of the set up is about beating the dragons.

Lich part

2 Lightning Rod slots (First two melee slots)
2-3 Healer slots (2nd, 3rd, and possibly 4th ranged slots)
1 Primary RDPS slots (1st ranged slot)
1-2 Secondary RDPS slots (5th, and 4th if 2 healers, ranged slot/s)

With that in mind my answer to your question, "are Bandits better lightning rods than my tanks like bernice?", would be "YES" for slot 1, and "not necessarily" for slot 2. My reason being that slot 1 is used to both TANK lich damage and to help DPS the lichs. Slot 2 is more so just to tank.

Keeping in mind the order you play units in is the reverse of the order they are attacked in I believe you want to have a "being attacked" order of roughly...

Melee slot 2 (when it dies replace with tank-y lightning rods)
Melee slot 1 (when it dies replace with damage-y lightning rods)
Ranged slot 2
Ranged slot 1
Ranged slots 4-5 and then 3 or 3 and then 4-5 I'm unsure if your main healer staying up, or keeping all the DPS up, is more important.

Anyways that is my take as of right now. Good luck!