@EAB - You even mentioned in your first post ""Don't give me that shit about not being thankful for what little insight Nutaku has given us, even if most of it isn't their fault to begin with." and then continue to rant? Yes, it would have been great for them to fight to take over a year ago, or even 6 months, whatever. Can't change it now, they're doing what they can and I'm willing to give them the benefit of some time to finalize the take-over before I start judging. This is coming from someone who has Awakened quite a few units including Sophie, Despara, Nanaly, Sybilla, Aisha and Minerva.

As for the event maps, went in blind to the first 5 and wrecked them all with my team of AW units lol. Will have to wait until after work to see how the last two go, but not expecting too much trouble with my team.