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  1. #681
    @Samyy - Gonna try answering your posts.

    To answer your first post:
    1. I was basing my choices based on SabishiiRyuu's units in order to help him on the Slay map which was here. He joined way after Claudia's event so I had to make a plan B for him, which was using Thetis, who had enough MR to take the King's magic attack with some healers helping her out.
    2. I can agree that one unawakened Nanaly isn't enough, but when you pit two high levelled AW'ed Nanalys like Alpha in this vid: https://youtu.be/rvGTsKaJlHI?t=1m34s, it works like a charm. I used AW'ed Sybilla and her ranged magic attack during skill to team up with unawakened Nanaly at maxed level and Waltz to slay the King.
    3. Like ZeroZet mentioned above, not all players were lucky to play when Chydis was available at TP. Therefore, we have to rely on the free units (G.Iris, Alissa, Dorca) and premiums that not many have (Camillia, Liana, and Marr). To further make us even more salty, the devs even took out Saria, one of the best rapid healers, in Nutaku's version. All in all, us late Nutaku players are pretty weak in the healing department at the moment unless they dish in some money to have a tiny percentage of getting plat+ healers, which will not happen until after the takeover.
    4. Same as above. Late players that started in 2016 do not have a puppeteer or a summoner (unless they are lucky and hit Farne in gacha). Pretty sure the King's attack is buffed with his passive so he and his lich friends will kill the Prince before the healers can heal him.

    As for your second post:
    1. Yes, Elaine can tank the lesser lichs. I used her on my alt account for that very purpose at Castle Retake and the recent Feast of the Dead map. However, idk if she can survive with the King and the other lichs targeting her all at once.
    2. Same as number 1 above.
    3. Same as number 2 above. Adding to it, you don't exactly need two healers for Nanaly (at least for me). Some players could do it with 2 units with high MR on both sides where the King spawns, one burst unit (Nanaly or Elizabeth), 1 healer, and a bunch of lightning rods. That's what Memento is there for; to provide you a lot of tokens to distract the King while your burst units and princesses handle the mobs and him.
    4. Olivie can survive in Slay at very high levels after AW, just that you need to have fast hands and a good mouse to deploy lightning rods fast enough.
    5. Same as 3 above. Rather than waiting for Chydis' eventual return to TP, us late players rather CC and AW what we got. So far, Iris is the best free healer. Fedora was in gold rush and now in PS, so it is a little hard to get her. The other plats and blacks I mentioned above already. To date, my healing team at DMM far outmatches my team at Nutaku. Saria, Chydis, and Rinne vs. Iris, Fedora, and Alissa. The winning team is obvious here. If anything, the devs screwed us over by taking out the best healers and left us with the low tier ones. Chydis will not come back until Nutaku's take over, who knows if Saria will even be implemented, and Liana replaced Black Iris.

    A little something to note too. Some maps are VERY unforgiving in terms of high cost units (looks at you Danger in the Oasis), so levelling some silver and gold healers might do some good.

    I have no idea if you are satisfied with these answers, but this is from my playing experience thus far.
    Last edited by YoxalLoyal; 07-27-2016 at 02:37 PM.
    Aigis Teams (10/23/2016)
    1st: Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 2nd: Alt. Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 3rd: DMM Aigis Main Team

    Aigis Unit Collection (06/02/2016): DMM | Nutaku

    Aigis Story Guides:
    Eastern Wind: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Magic City: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Jungle: TBA whenever Nutaku implements it
    Makai (Hell): TBA whenever Nutaku implements it

    Other browser games I play (or played) outside of Aigis:

    Flower Knight Girl (dropped; hated the RNG-style gameplay)
    Brave Girl Ravens (dropped; got too boring after a while)
    Kamihime Project (dropped sadly; too much high maintenance for my time)

    Shiro Project:RE (dropped; no time to spare for this game outside of the Aigis x ShiroPro crossover event)

  2. #682
    Quote Originally Posted by Samyy View Post
    ok so . evanled.
    1. sorry about my grammer am used to typing short hand ty to job irl x'D pardon me on that. didnt mean to sound the post as offensive.
    so here it goes :
    1. elaine can tank the the lesser leeches especially 2 and 3. i ws so bored with the current way nutaku is going i actually use silver units .
    2. you will agree that if you do not have the unit from the second event previous to this ie claudia you cannot do a map which is above the 3 stam deck. hell not even a full black team with measly levels can do it.and tbh i dslike using claudia my argument was why use 1 when yoxal loyal got a black valk >.> mine is low level i never use her.
    3. So. my suggestion of using Nanaly was because i can see mikoto there >.> instead of nanaly a mage/omni will do 4x damage vs leech(ap def etc) Nanaly can't melt 'the def' she relies on the buffs from prince and spica+ dancer(watevr dancer u have)
    question about it: are you ready to waste 4 sllots on her or are you ready to deploy a silver mage who will alaways do better damage+ kill the skully mobs with leech. 1 of the prob in this map was your duelist was busy killing mobs when king blew him/her/healer/main dps up ?
    4. i mentioned if you do not have rikka its your prob not mine. dont talk about killing leeches with baby guns. i also mentioned valks can kill them
    5. i guess your olivie is low level or not properly spec'ed postioned or used or you simply are bad at it ? xD no offense. i farmed that map when i had nothing to do in office to check dps of olivie and sybilla. you simply do not put olivie like ' hey leech i put a princess here come get some' they are positioned buffer aggro to kill with instant skill.. sure she might not have that much hp like others but she actually 'can' survie with 2x aw healer( i didnt check non aw healer because i dont have any in my deck 50cc50.[ yeah i dont use iris ty ])
    6. as well as to @zerozet(sorry again if you are foreigner and have to use google to decipher what i post in short hand)
    there is tons of gold better then their plat jobs. is iris 1 of them vs chydis ? thTat was your question. thats a no. as explained before. if your gonna compare healers the current dmm tier is chydis at top assuming no black there fallowed by fedora . so if you dont have chydis . you can't comment on it. why waste time eveling a gold when you 'might' get plat healers in future incl. chydis ?o.o and waste so much time awakening a gold ?o_o are you kidding. to me iris is nothing but awakening fodder .
    7. zerozet 's attention again on this. tried doing the map with plat duelist . you can use bandits if you do not have rikka. the ridiculous statemtn of you cant do it without tank. you cant do it without archer irks me o.o. hell i can do this with my charlotte if she is properly placed and prinnce to kill the king. your prince is alaways available and after lvl 99 he is better duelist then most others ( and sustainable and affordable lmfao). also like i said if lafate was online he could check the specs. its useless to use archers / vampire hnters there. why ?o.o because the 'can't' kill leech as they are not primary dps. hence either your duelist dies or the healer. if you do not have a plat mage try planting 2x silver/gold >.> odette isnt overkill as she is a damage based and my luck i do not have mage better then her( if you disincl the 2x summoners)
    my post was directed to yoxal loyal though. love to see him acting as a substitute vet for the time being because most of us vet switched dmm. and replying to everyone in need . good job there. why not reply to mine ?;D
    and go home akuma your more obsessed with elizabeth then me bsessed with mikoto >.< xD for aargument sake i will assume she will do burst and kill 4x leech alone like wonder woman nddps like bawss xDDDD

    - - - Updated - - -

    lolix is 192 now >.< gratz xD am foever 170 on nutaku x'D
    1) Valid point, provided she is not tanking lesser liches AND the King (if she even CAN tank the King)
    2) I still don't understand what you're saying, because I sure hope you're not saying you NEED Claudia or comparable units to clear maps above the 3 stamina map
    3) Prince is likely deployed anyways for the fact he buffs ALL deployed units, healer should be there anyways, dancer is nice for multi-hit units but not required, Nanaly, if protected by lightning rods, in fact CAN burn down the King, as can Elizabeth. They do suffer the potential issue of hitting the trash instead of the King, but with skill active, that trash isn't lasting long, especially against AW Elizabeth
    4) "if you don't have Rika it's your problem not mine" sounds like a jerk talking, sorry. Idk what "baby guns" you're talking about and yes valks can kill liches with proper heal support, we established that already
    5) You criticize Nanaly but need to give Olivie TWO AW HEALERS to survive, instead of 1 healer and 1 lightning rod? Also, Olivie has no instant kill skill, idk what u mean by "positioned buffer agro" and unless she's AW with high level Olivie is going down against King + multiple liches, so you better have other lightning rods to take some of that heat
    6) you level a gold now because you want to clear maps now instead of waiting months upon months to get that platinum healer. Also, as I said before, Chydis DOES NOT EXIST IF YOU WERE NOT HERE FOR HER TP STAY, Camilla is premium summon and thus not everyone has her, same with Liana, and Marr and even Marius/other heal-capable units, so guess where that leaves newer players? Iris, MAYBE Fedora, MAYBE Robert, and the silver healers. Guess who's best for burst healing there? Iris. Fedora is a tactical option due to cheaper cost (by 1, giving one more CR than the other besides AW bonus is unfair comparison) and extended range vs. burst heal upon deploy and higher healing power during skill.
    7) If you're talking about the last map, AoE units are indeed favorable but not required. If you're talking about Slay the King... you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! AW Elizabeth is the ULTIMATE DPS there (as long as she's protected by lighting rods, but who in their right mind leaves ANY dps unprotected?). Elizabeth comes up in this discussion so much because this event is HER ULTIMATE KILLING GROUND, she gets bonus damage against undead why the hell would u NOT use her on these maps if you have her AW?

    And what was up with that last line? NOBODY is killing 4 liches alone, NOBODY. Even black units like AW Sophie/Sybilla are going to need heal support at the very least. Not to be rude, but even though you say you're not trying to be offensive, you're coming across as 1) a jerk, 2) a DMM player who is out of touch with Nutaku's struggles, 3) an elitist or 4) some combination of the above.

    Side Note: I've cleared the entire event without using Heavies, but then I used AW Sophie, Aisha, Minerva, Nanaly, Sybilla and Despara, so I have some massively OP units that most people don't.

  3. Quote Originally Posted by Samyy View Post
    its useless to use archers / vampire hnters there. why ?o.o because the 'can't' kill leech as they are not primary dps. hence either your duelist dies or the healer.
    You know...I'm just gonna put this here everytime you take Elizabeth's ability to do well on this map lightly.

    Granted an Archer with Quadra or Triple Shot can do well here as well with that setup, but if you only have the Triple shot archer on hand why not use AW Elizabeth? Range isn't an issue when she is hitting the big guy as soon as he spawns. Plus she not only gets higher attack speed and an attack boost during her skill, she gets an additional attack modifier to damage by just shooting undead enemies.

    But hey, if you don't wanna join us in the AWed Elizabeth fanclub, that is okay. We'll just have your shirt in storage when you finally come around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Samyy View Post
    and go home akuma your more obsessed with elizabeth then me bsessed with mikoto >.<
    Considering every other argument for her made here over some time, it would be silly to think otherwise.

    Though I only have one true unit to obsess over.

    Isn't that right *unit's name redacted for fear of jinxing and never seeing her EVER*?
    *~The Great Aigis Wishlist~*

  4. #684
    Maintenance Details
    About daily missions
    - Add New Saturday Mission "Magic Armor Princess EX"
     Drop awakening orbs "Battle Mage", "Sailor Chief" and "Top Dancer"

    Add Awakening Class
    - Add Awakening Class in "Super Dancer" and "Sailor Elite"

    Add Special Awakening Class
    - Required Orb
     "Summon Master" are "Warlock" and "Top Dancer"

    Adjust Unit Balance
    - Adjust Unit's Parameter
    - Adjust Skill and Ability
    - Add Unawakened Ability to Some black rarity

    Other Changes
    - Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
    Finally something to do on Saturday. Wish we had gotten normal dailies (another Gold Armor and Crystal Keeper) on weekends too, but I guess it's better than nothing. Gonna be spamming the AW orb daily for dancer orbs and the eventual mage armor orbs.
    Aigis Teams (10/23/2016)
    1st: Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 2nd: Alt. Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 3rd: DMM Aigis Main Team

    Aigis Unit Collection (06/02/2016): DMM | Nutaku

    Aigis Story Guides:
    Eastern Wind: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Magic City: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Jungle: TBA whenever Nutaku implements it
    Makai (Hell): TBA whenever Nutaku implements it

    Other browser games I play (or played) outside of Aigis:

    Flower Knight Girl (dropped; hated the RNG-style gameplay)
    Brave Girl Ravens (dropped; got too boring after a while)
    Kamihime Project (dropped sadly; too much high maintenance for my time)

    Shiro Project:RE (dropped; no time to spare for this game outside of the Aigis x ShiroPro crossover event)

  5. Finally about the damn right time, I though my Viera gonna sit and collect dust in my inventory for eternity.

  6. #686
    Unregistered Guest
    Oh Yeah really liking the unit changes...

    I'm seeing Cost Down for:
    Valks (-5)
    Witches (-1)
    Rogues (-2)
    Advance Stratagists (-5)
    Angels (-4)
    Magic Fencer (-5)
    Ninja (-5)

    Pretty sure some stats are up but hard to tell exactly how much... still even just the cost changes is going to help me with my deployments and stage clearing.

  7. #687

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    i also found dmg increase for bandits, possible armor increase for ha and -2cr for mages
    (not entirely sure on the ha armor increase but thought my leeanne was in the 400s instead of 500s)

  8. #688
    Unregistered Guest
    Yeah definitely some sweeping changes, going to have to look over my units again the changes will probably make me want to rethink what units I was planning to CC-AW next.

    Like Shuka... at 14 min cost she's much more usable and with a potential -3 UP for every subsequent unit drop she can quickly save you potentially more than you might gain from Early Valkyrie or Soldier Chief. The fact that once awakened she's like a Hybrid of Rogue/Samurai is also very nice.

  9. #689

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Items User Name Style Change
    Lzlis over at the wiki is compiling a master list of changes

    The big winners are:

    -HUGE UP cost reductions (4-5 points cheaper)
    Magic Fencers (also more ATK, big skill buff for Horace 1.3 -> 1.7)
    Advanced Guard

    Anti-Air powers buffed (20% -> 40%)

    In second place:

    Pirates (more range, faster attack, micro stun (70% slow for .25 secs)
    Rogues (-2 UP, faster attack speed)
    Bandits (More HP, More ATK, Heavy Armors HATE them)
    Avengers (a LOT more HP)
    Monk (a LOT more HP, more ATK)

    Samurai also got pretty sizeable across the board stat boosts making them more appealing for the people that really want to use them.

    Witches got their cost reduced meaning more people can now clear wall of magic.

  10. And Horace at max skill rank has her 1.7 attack multiplier! Finally my prepping for her AWing is feeling all the more justified. :3
    *~The Great Aigis Wishlist~*

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