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  1. #1
    Good tier list, for myself i would just change two thing :
    Sybilla > Olivie, just because Olivie need 5/5 skill to actually do beter, even if she as beter overall stats she have low HP and is risky to use without her 100% dodge. (Plus im a Sybilla fanboy so )
    Karma need her own tier, she have some use that princess cannot have.
    The second thing is Gellius > Deine, because even if she have beter stats (exept HP), she has an offesive skill while Gellius have an defensive one that is beter suited for tanking (and i dont take is AW skill ion account that is even beter) plus he has a shitload of HP.

    My rating is based of thing we actually have on Nutaku version, the JP have much more unit and even some of thzm might be updated!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigglack View Post
    Good tier list, for myself i would just change two thing :
    Sybilla > Olivie, just because Olivie need 5/5 skill to actually do beter, even if she as beter overall stats she have low HP and is risky to use without her 100% dodge. (Plus im a Sybilla fanboy so )
    Karma need her own tier, she have some use that princess cannot have.
    The second thing is Gellius > Deine, because even if she have beter stats (exept HP), she has an offesive skill while Gellius have an defensive one that is beter suited for tanking (and i dont take is AW skill ion account that is even beter) plus he has a shitload of HP.

    My rating is based of thing we actually have on Nutaku version, the JP have much more unit and even some of thzm might be updated!
    Not 100% dodge, but 100% physical dmg reduction for Olivie. I have talked with Lafate on this and to my understanding, it is due to much of the boss units that you use princesses to duel having insane damage that may easily oneshot many of your units, hence Olivie because of her better survivability (with her skill), not to mention that virtually instant skill on deployment allowing her to tank any boss dealing physical damage w/o heal support. Still, I can understand your preference.

    Karma is classified along with the princesses since their roles are similar.

    annnddd well I'm not gonna comment on the HA part since I don't really remember the 2 of them. just pointing out some things. In the end it's just a subjective preference issue though.

  3. #3
    I registered just to clear up some misconceptions and to give some input. I don't agree with everything on the tier-list but I won't bother judging it since it's too much to clear up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lafate View Post
    Claire isn't so great

    As for Pepin.
    Claire is overall better than Xiao and Stray. One thing to take in mind is that not everyone will be awakening nor skill awakening every unit they have. Claire performs better in the same way that one silver archer performs better than Soma. Claire's skill allows her to get past damage thresholds against certain enemies. She can also burst down enemies better than the other gold archers thanks to that skill. Not only that, she can use it more frequently.

    As for Xiao, she can be great for a while but then she will fall off in the later stages of the game when things become more difficult (and bosses become harder to assassinate) and when people get better units (i.e. Spica). Xiao is somewhat great for those that want to try cheese their way to victory. There are a few issues with her though. Her assassination chance is really low, which makes it unreliable most of the time. A strategy relying on assassination is not the kind of victory you want unless you only want to do a mission one time. If you can only clear a mission with assassination, then you will be frequently spending charisma and stamina on a mission that has a high chance for failure. Consistency is important. Another thing is that her skill has a very long cooldown, which means you can only use it once per mission. Very rarely you have a chance to use it a second time, and there's no guarantee that you will assassinate the enemy you want to go away (unless the enemy has a high instant-death multiplier like angels). The last thing about her is her damage over time. Since she's going to be using it once per mission, then her damage is very consistent. This is bad because she doesn't have an impressive attack stat, thanks to her rarity, and her bursting potential is limited. She shouldn't be rated highly because she is easily replaced by better archers. Of course what I said won't matter because Claire doesn't exist in the English version.

    Marle > Mia > Pippin > Krile

    I have all 4 of them. After being awakened, they will heal up to 3 units. You won't be using their skills often unless you are under heavy pressure. I very rarely use Mia's skill and I have it at 5/5.

    Krile is generic. Standard healer setup and her ability allows her to be the lowest cost (12-cost if you got her at min-cost) healer possible under the snowstorm weather effect. She's also cute.

    Mia is also generic, but has higher stats and has an ability that increases gold gain from missions by 13%. Very good and she will be in the team constantly because of the gold gain. Better than most Geomancers.

    Pippin is also generic. Only while her skill is active, the number of units she can heal simultaneously is decreased by 1. It is a terrible skill pre-AW since that means she will be healing 1 unit while you use that skill. It is good after she is awakened because she can still at least heal 2 units. Just because she is healing 1 less than her counterparts doesn't mean she is underperforming. Huge emphasis on only during skill use. She is still still good for afk healing since that is enough to keep pressure off most of your frontline units and prevents your main healer from shifting focus away from the tank. She's also cute and her sprite is adorable.

    Marle is the best Feng Shui user. Her skill allows her to heal every unit in her range simultaneously. Not impressed? Her skill increases her range and her attack power, so her healing radius is larger and she heals more per interval. Still not impressed? Awakening her grants her more range so she will be healing more units that weren't in her range before. Kind of slutty, but her skillset is too good.

    All of them can replace silver healers because of their low cost.

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    Not 100% dodge, but 100% physical dmg reduction for Olivie
    What the hell are you on? Olivia's skill does not give her damage reduction.

    This is evasion:

    Notice the evasion frames?

    Evasion is when you completely avoid taking damage. If it was damage reduction as you said, then she should be taking 20% damage (5,200 * 0.2 = 1,020 damage) from the completed Mithril Golem if her skill level was 1/5. That is even more broken than having evasion itself because of the high base % chance her skill has.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by exk View Post
    What the hell are you on? Olivia's skill does not give her damage reduction.

    This is evasion:

    Notice the evasion frames?

    Evasion is when you completely avoid taking damage. If it was damage reduction as you said, then she should be taking 20% damage (5,200 * 0.2 = 1,020 damage) from the completed Mithril Golem if her skill level was 1/5. That is even more broken than having evasion itself because of the high base % chance her skill has.
    Oh, my bad then. Misread nutaku's advertisement banner when olivie was spotlight.

  5. #5
    Liya Guest
    Why Yuyu is the last gold witch?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Liya View Post
    Why Yuyu is the last gold witch?
    most likely because her skill is increase range and aside from the few maps where increase range is almost a necessity (e.g. war of magic), most of the time you'll be using witches to do single target magic dmg at a somewhat low cost (lower than mage at least), so skills with increase dmg is somewhat better

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Is this Vampire Lord a event unit?

  8. #8
    Upon checking this thread... is it just me, or are a lot of the unit images missing from the OP?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MalusCorvus View Post
    Upon checking this thread... is it just me, or are a lot of the unit images missing from the OP?
    the original source, gcwiki, seems to have encountered some image hosting server issues.
    and lafate is too lazy to update it in any case. not that it's really that important.

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    Actually that's very important, this post isn't even understandable anymore

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