Good tier list, for myself i would just change two thing :
Sybilla > Olivie, just because Olivie need 5/5 skill to actually do beter, even if she as beter overall stats she have low HP and is risky to use without her 100% dodge. (Plus im a Sybilla fanboy so )
Karma need her own tier, she have some use that princess cannot have.
The second thing is Gellius > Deine, because even if she have beter stats (exept HP), she has an offesive skill while Gellius have an defensive one that is beter suited for tanking (and i dont take is AW skill ion account that is even beter) plus he has a shitload of HP.

My rating is based of thing we actually have on Nutaku version, the JP have much more unit and even some of thzm might be updated!