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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    So I'm relatively recent to this game, at least compared to pretty much everyone here, and in regards to that, I would like to ask if I have any shot at all at getting at least 15 stars. First two stages were fine, struggled a bit on the 3rd and 4th, and finally hit the wall on the fifth (stupid sea monster rush). Anyways, I would like some feedback regarding this and/or tips and/or anything you might want to say to me. You know, disregarding extreme negativity.

    Here's what I got for units:

    So, any hope I can get Betty (yes I'm calling her Betty) before the event ends?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, also, in terms of star count:
    First three maps: 3 star
    4th map: 1 star
    5th map: stuck
    Hello !
    Firstly i've got to say three words : Lafate is God !

    From my own point of view, and i'm quite new to this game aswell i started playing one month ago, you shouldnt focus too hard on this event since beatrice seems to be quite a nieche unit but the sailor can be a decent assist unit.
    So if i was you i wouldn't try to clear as much map as possible before the end of the event like next week end to aim for 15-16 stars and for now focus on grinding and leveling your team in story mode.

    You should follow this guide :
    It helped me a lot and with a basic team of 50cc40 like i am right now i can almost 3 stars all the event.
    You should aswell read the faq (if not done) :

    From the event point i guess you can get the 4 first map to 3 stars (12 stars) then you would need 3-4 stars more to be successful. The map 5 is quite harder then previous ones since sea monsters start to appear but you still got more then a week so you may be able to make it in time.
    To make it in time i think you should try to get through castle retake (1 star smth) and grind on dragon hunting/remnant vanquish43 asap since it will provide you with decent units and a bunch of exp.
    To 3 star the 5th map it seems according to many guides that you will need 2 CC healers and 2 CC archers. You might find a guide or a strategy cheaper to do so, give it a try on da web.

    Appart from the event, i agree with the previous post of my comrade and i don't think iron units are any useful. But bronze units may be, especialy soldiers, archers, mages.

    Good luck dude ! and gg to 3 stars the first three maps !

    Edit : oh and i forgot but you may read this
    if i did myself i wouldn't have to ask Godfate a lame question !

    Edit 2 : i think it could be a good idea since you can three stars some maps, to try a few runs to get an Alissa, if my memory is correct you don't have enough silver healers in standard missions to CC 3 healers, but from my own experience it seems that 3 healers (even if some are silvers) can be of a great help ! I wouldnt be able to 3 stars the machine gun sea monsters maps without'em !
    Last edited by Scyscy; 02-07-2016 at 04:09 AM.

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