I finally got my first 5* today (Nankoubou Tenkai). She wasn't the one I wanted (wanted Oda Nobunaga), but I won't complain. A 5* is a 5*, and her stats are a complete mirror of Oda Nobunaga. The only difference are in the skills and that Oda's leader skill is a 20% increase to all types, while Nankoubou is 30% to Wind units.

I guess I'll give the game a try, having pulled a 5*, but I definitely won't be supporting it, even for $5. They don't deserve a cent from me, not after how they're handling all of this. I guess I'll never have 2x/Auto Battle because of it, but I'd rather that than throw money their way. Maybe...MAYBE...if they change their perspective, and re-adjust the game, but that's only after a stretch of time has passed and they've proven themselves to me. Without that, I can't in good conscience, give them my dollar.

Honestly, if they don't make amends for their early mistakes, I'd be surprised if this game has a life-span of more than six months. It's already turned off a lot of people (rightfully so), and while whales are always willing to pay, I doubt it'll be enough to keep the game going. But then, I guess it depends on how many whales there are.