Quote Originally Posted by Keyen View Post
Several mistakes here:

The stage 60 is only the first half. You unlock the hard mode, and get 60 more stages afterward. Also, the legendary drop rate is 100%, not 1%.

Suzume is great. She is less tanky than Helen for sure, but she can tank a bit (better than casters), and deals tons of damage. When you are dealing with archer, you are very happy to kill them fast enough. Something you can't do with 3 casters.

I 3* everything but 5 stages (including 3 bosses stages) in normal with 2 melees (despite 4 ranged available in my team). Your reasonning has a major flaw: Rangeds can take a lot of aoe in the tooth (and then aren't so much safer than melee), and are doing way way less damage with autoshot. And the more time you take to kill monsters, the more damage your tank will take. Suzume is a monster (she is dealing at least 40% more damage than anyone in the game), and if a mob is attacking someone in melee, they won't switch to another character, even in melee (so you just have to make her coming a bit after your tank). So she is really speeding up things and is safe enough if you know what you are doing.

Phantasma is bullshit (They have no fucking idea of how to design a game, no good writing, nothing redeeming actually). Also, even if I dropped the game (for several reasons), the true decent western game out on nutaku is Harem Heroes. Lot of contents developped, and has lot of success on Nutaku.

There is. The first stage in hard destroyed me haha.

Rewards are much better (and blue items can drop everywhere).
Well, the chance it tells is 1% for legendary drop.. so either they made the message show wrong or it's 100% the first time or idk, maybe a bug if it's 100% for you? As I told - didn't beat 60 yet, but if it's 100% chance to drop legendary, even if it's once/day, it sounds insane(it should upgrade/sell for a lot, I presume, considering how rares work)

Also I can't see how you didn't 3 star lvl 40 or 50 and managed to 3 star so much of everything else without you being at the wrong here... boss stages are SO MUCH EASIER than the simple stage 3 star if you play like me(2 ranged, 1 melee and 1 nothing, would pick another ranged if possible)

Simple stages of 50+ just outvalue you with everyone using an ability which in summ just deals enough to kill at least 1 even if you dodge everything. Bosses on the other hand only have a decently strong auto attack and 1 shot ability, which is super easy to dodge.. boss will never, ever hit your ranged with his ability and will also never. And if you are very skilled - with just 1 melee tank he won't ever auto attack your melee as well.
Don't forget that picking someone up - means projectiles will disappear eventually and you are invulnerable during it even vs melee skills as long as they finish during the time you hold the hero.
So even though as you said - 2 melee may be worth it(as I told, I rushed stages with 2 melee just to make it in time for 2 stars at least - that of course meant that it's faster, but the probability of someone dying was extremely high).. I might be wrong because I never actually had chance to use 3rd ranged and it might be actually better to have 2 ranged/1 melee, to lessen the possible misclick chance and make it faster to dodge the aoes, but who knows. Of course when I speak about ranged heroes, I mean the ones that can both heal and be bulkier than melee non tank dps(healer is great class until hard mode at least because you get some good blue gear for it in boss stages)

For me boss stage are mostly about reaching boss fast enough and without deaths to deal enough dmg to it with just 2 ranged, because your melee will be on 'hold' 90% of the time. Overall boss fight goes approximately: melee approaches boss - before boss attacks you hold him up and wait until boss starts moving towards ranged - the exact moment it happens you drop her and when boss engages melee - repeat. This is a safe way to do it, if you can handle like 5 boss basic attacks or so and have decent healer then you can tank simple attacks and only use hold strategy on the skill the boss uses(it's always a long cast time, so you won't mistake it for anything else)

And yeah, I must apologise, I completely forgot about harem heroes somehow, and yes, it's quite good, but I also dropped it mostly because of missing quite a lot of good stuff in it so many times.