1. AngelicSaga
  2. Ferrero


CostNameAttack (MAX)Defense (MAX)Skill
9Fledgling Chief 'Ferrero'6041408[Spirit's Bath] (Skill cost: 4 mana)
When this character is summoned to attack, her ATK is increased by 2200 and her DEF is decreased by 2200. (Lasts 2 turns)
Great Chief 'Ferrero'(920)(2040)
??? 'Ferrero'(1000)(2200)



IThe daughter of a chief who brought together several indigenous tribes in the countries of the west. The person who brings the tribes together is knows as the 'Chief', and she is a candidate future chief. She honors the presence of her ancestors, and is a sincere girl who never misses her daily prayer.
IIThe daughter of a chief who brought together several indigenous tribes in the countries of the west. Her predecessor died suddenly and so she unexpectedly took over as the chief of the tribe. She has enormous muscles, and despite being small actually weight 200KG. She can destroy a rock with her bear hands.

HomeI am not lying. I want to win with you.
I, like, you. Will always protect you.
I am very strong. My dream is to become a good chief loved by all.
VictoryI wanted win. You were in way. So beat you. Very difficult fight. Rest in peace.
Defeat... Next time, won't lose. Tribe ancestors protect me. I will become strong.

Obtained From
The Curious Gathering Premium Gacha
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