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  2. Iris

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This page is a chapter in 'AngelicSaga HR Cards'


CostNameAttack (MAX)Defense (MAX)Skill
9Goddess Iris6521015[Dark Eaters] (Skill cost: 0 mana)
When Battling with a Dark elemental character, the enemy character loses 300 ATK at the start of battle. (Effect lasts until the end of battle.)
Sun Goddess Iris(1360)(1900)
Divine Sun Goddess Iris(1600)(2200)


H-Scene Preview


IA man-made life form (homunculus) created as an imitation of a goddess from ancient times. Her smile is rumored to have magical powers, bringing cheer to even the most rage-filled of souls. However, she's got a gambling habit, and is gambling pals with a certain elf.
IIA man-made life form (homunculus) created as an imitation of a goddess from ancient times. She may be but a model of a goddess, but she has the appearance and kindness of an actual one. However, she shows no mercy toward game-fixing poker dealers.
IIIA man-made life form (homunculus) created as an imitation of a goddess from ancient times. After a particular period, she lost touch with civilization. However, she shows no mercy toward game-fixing poker dealers.

HomeReliable men like you are absolutely…dreamy ♪
Entrust your money to me, and I will increase it 20 times over ♪
I'm so happy to see you again ♪ Well, let's go ♪
VictoryOh dear… I was just trying to gently pat your boo-boo… did that hurt? I'm sorry ♪
DefeatI can't believe I lost… There's no way I should lost if I use my full strength…

Obtained From
Story Quest: Arrival of the Goddess
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