1. AngelicSaga
  2. Laurel

This page is a chapter in 'AngelicSaga R Cards'


CostNameAttack (MAX)Defense (MAX)Skill
7Wood Mage Laurel9481041[Breath of Life] (Skill cost: 0 mana)
When this character has been attacked and has not been defeated at the end of battle, you recover 400 LP.
Forest Enchantress Laurel(1340)(1580)
Druid of the Woods Laurel(1500)(1800)



IA mage doing research into alchemy techniques that use plants. Interacting with plant life, she's trying to decipher laws of nature. The objective is to revive the 'Master Tree' that's said to have been present at the creation of the world. Her prized possession is a trophy that she received for winning a mountain woman contest.
IIA sorceress at an alchemy institute, doing research into alchemy procedures that make use of plants. She’s now able to cultivate plants and trees however she pleases. She determined that in order to revive the ‘Master Tree’, it was necessary to establish communication with it. She’s sensitive about her name, which sounds like it might be a curry ingredient or something.
IIIA mage at an alchemy institute, doing research into alchemy procedures that use plants. In attempting to revive the mother of all trees, the 'Master Tree' said to have been present at the creation of the world, she's succeeded in listening to the spirit of the 'Master Tree' using amber that came from it. The truth is, her clothing is made completely from plants.

HomeMy name... It's the kind of name you might find in a curry...
Love is important for goring plants too, y'know ♪ Could you help me out with that?
What sort of flora do you think we'll encounter today? I'm so excited ♪
VictoryIt's amazing to see someones ability grow rapidly, like a tree ♪ What a treat it is to watch ♪
DefeatWhen a tree falls, new life buds in its place... In the same way, a loss is but another starting point.

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