1. AngelicSaga
  2. Laurel EX


CostNameAttack (MAX)Defense (MAX)Skill
6EX-Soju Guru "Laurel"915915[Tipsy Mood] (Skill cost: 3 mana)
When this character is destroyed in battle, all the characters on your field gain 300 ATK. (Lasts 2 turns)



A warrior enrolled at an alchemy institute who studies alchemy formula using plants. In her attempts to restore the 'God Tree', which is the mother of all trees and existed at the time of the creation of the world, she has had success in hearing the intents of the God Tree using amber made from its sap.

HomeMy name...it sounds kind of like an ingredient that would be in curry, doesn't it?
Love is also important to grow plants! Can I ask you for some help in growing my love?
Hm, what kind of plants will I meet today? I can't wait to find out!
VictoryMy power is growing steadily, like a tree! It's so fun to see!
DefeatEven if you cut down the trees, new life will spring from their roots... Defeat is nothing more than another beginning.

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