1. AngelicSaga
  2. Sakura

This page is a chapter in 'AngelicSaga R Cards'


CostNameAttack (MAX)Defense (MAX)Skill
9Hero Sakura13411017[Rage of Justice] (Skill cost: 5 mana)
This character gains 300 ATK and attacks. This lasts for 1 turn.
High Hero Sakura(1880)(1360)
Shining Hero Sakura(2100)(1500)



IAn unidentified warrior who appeared in a certain town that had a significant income gap and a serious safety problem. The town was crawling with criminals and the townspeople were living in fear. She confronted the criminals and protected the townspeople. She would appear on the scene singing her own theme song.
IIAn unidentified warrior who appeared in a certain town that had a serious safety problem. The conflicts with the criminals grew intense, and the situation became desperate, but when she heard the cheers of encouragement from the children, she gained a mysterious power boost. She undergoes transformations by donning transformation goggles.
IIIA warrior who guided a town with safety problems into peaceful times. She really had her back to the wall, but by fusing together with a mysterious light, she managed to vanquish the leader of the secret society. She thus came to be known as "Resplendent Hero". When transformed she's passionate and positive, but normally she's dark and negative.

HomeWe must be wary! The eyes and ears of evil surround us! But I am sworn to crush evil wherever I find it! For I am an ally of justice! Forward, ho!
Hold! I hear a cry of distress... Come on! Evil must not go unchallenged!
By incorruptible justice, by resplendent love, I swear you this oath. I will protect you now and always!
VictoryAs long as I am around, justice will prevail! Your support is what motivates me!
DefeatAs long as evil runs rampant in the world, justice will rise again! Until peace returns!

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