1. AngelicSaga
  2. Yuzu


CostNameAttack (MAX)Defense (MAX)Skill
11Dog Goddess "Yuzu"2151738[Possessed by Dog Spirit] (Skill cost: 0 mana)
When this character is attacked, the ATK and DEF values of the opposing character are swapped during the battle.
Lightning Spirit Dog "Yuzu"(1250)(2290)
Sunlight Dog Goddess "Yuzu"(1550)(2450)



IA dog spirit that settled in a mansion in the country of the east. It is highly in demand and performs work to pay for uncleanliness. It is submissive towards good people, and fetches them whatever they want, but possesses bad people and makes them ill.
IIA dog spirit that settled in a mansion in the country of the east. It has increased the demand for its skills and is now able to pay for even greater uncleanliness. It loves finding narrow spaces in the mansion to hang out in. Its favorite food is citrus fruits.
IIIA dog spirit that settled in a mansion in the country of the east. It uses the power of sunshine to pay for the impurities of people that have fallen heavily ill. Recently it has become addicted to hanging out in the gap between the chest of drawers in the mansion.

HomeIf there is anything that you want I will get it for you.
If anything happened to you, I would avenge you.
Tight spaces are nice, aren't they...?
VictoryWe won! We dispatched the darkness!
DefeatIt looks like it was us who were fouled...

Obtained From
The Last Snow Limited Gacha
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