1. DT:M
  2. Cammy

Max Level70
Attack (MAX)377404088044030
Defense (MAX)262202841030590
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
War God's Twin Plan (SR)
Starting Activation : Extreme boost to 1-2 diagonally adjacent warrior-type allies
Skill 2
Magical Swordmaster's Command (SR)
Action Activation : Deals ultimate damage to 1 enemy
Skill 3
Lovely Blade Dance (UR)
Action Activation : Deals major damage to 1-3 ennemies



Stage 1Someday everything goes great, and another day everything goes no good. But the war does not wait us. If you are soldier, you have to manage your conditions day by day.
Stage 2Human has its ups and downs. The commander has to be able to make sure of it. What? Me? I am always in perfect condition. I am primed for a fight!
Stage 3Any time in any condition, true soldiers can start on a fight. If you make an excuse because of your conditions, you must be less than a second-rater.

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