1. DT:M
  2. Chad

Max Level70
Attack (MAX)325903530038020
Defense (MAX)313103392036530
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Magical Advantage (SR)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1-9 magic-type allies
Skill 2
Magical Shot Twin Dragon Strike (SR)
Action Activation : Deals extreme damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
Spiritual Counter (SR)
Counter Activation : Deals major damage to 1 enemy



Stage 1Ah!  Santa angel, look, the sky looks so crowded tonight. Me?  I just deliver Christmas Cards... I may lose out to Santa or the angels on the romance stakes, but my work is important in sharing messages!
Stage 2Will you help too?  It's really simple work. I just barge into the houses shouting "Merry Christmas!" and hand over the cards. There isn't any job that spreads happiness like this one.
Stage 3Thank you for helping me with my work!  This is my card to you. It's a bit embarrassing, so I'd prefer you read it inside.... May we both have a good night!  Merry Christmas!

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