1. DT:M
  2. Geselle

Max Level70
Attack (MAX)301903271035230
Defense (MAX)218602369025510
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Berserker Knight (SR)
Starting Activation : Moderate reduction to 1-9 warrior-type enemies
Skill 2
Magical Sword Twin Dragon Strike (SR)
Action Activation : Deals extreme damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
Knightly Dragon Charge (UR)
Starting Activation : Extreme boost to 1-4 adjacent warrior-type allies



Stage 1If you want aberrant strength, you have to have corresponding ideas. However, you're friends will likely leave you. To be aberrant is the same as being alone.
Stage 2A land where people have never tread is filled with extreme flashes. I fear nothing. I only move forward, toward the ideal strength that I seek.
Stage 3The throbbing sends waves through my body... Sharp stabbing sensations all over my body... I finally have it, the most powerful aberrant strength ! This, this is my ideal form !

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