1. DT:M
  2. Gestein

Max Level70
Attack (MAX)363203934042370
Defense (MAX)268402908031320
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Dead Rebellion (SR) [activation limit : 1]
Activated When 0 HP : Deals extreme damage to 1 enemy
Skill 2
Soaring Refined Rise (SR)
Starting Activation : Extreme Boost to 1-4 archer-type allies
Skill 3
Darkness Flare (UR)
Action Activation : Deals extreme damage to 1-3 enemies



Stage 1Truly pure thing is darkness. Beasts are breathing soundly in the dark, and enjoy momentary peace. Don't be afraid. You can enjoy ultimate peace in the dark.
Stage 2Only in the silence of dark you can enjoy the trip of deep meditation. Accept the darkness! The darkness is only the origin of creating tomorrow.
Stage 3Once upon a time human being had felt the breath of God through the special smell the darkness brewing. This is the truth. Made the darkness mine, then human being could become a God.

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