1. DT:M
  2. Glittering Song Ametrin

NameGlittering Song Ametrin
Max Level80
Attack (MAX)354003793040460
Defense (MAX)459804927052550
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Divine Harmonia Ballad (UR)
Action Activation : Returns the reduced attack of 1-5 allies to the previous level
Skill 2
Fighting Spirit Carol (UR)
Passive : Major boost to 1-9 allies
Skill 3
Sacred Aria Veil (LR)
Passive : Major reduction to 1-9 enemies



Stage 1People come to hear me sing to forget the harsh present. That's why I put special prayers into my lyrics and melodies and continue to sing.
Stage 2Art is to preserve the balance of the heart. People's hearts are especially prone to be good, bad, and to run wild. If Zoldark heard my song, too, perhaps they'd change a little.
Stage 3The world is full of songs about false hope now... So I want to find a completely soul-stirring melody! Then I'll sing to people of true hope!

Memories (NSFW)

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