1. DT:M
  2. Ishtar

Max Level80
Attack (MAX)413104426047210
Defense (MAX)373704004042710
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1DT:M:Protector's Pride
Skill 2DT:M:Goddess of Love
Skill 3DT:M:Goddess of War



Stage 1I'm cute...? Hey, shut up! What are you talking about?
It's not... No, I wasn't happy to hear that...!
Stage 2I'm cute...? Hey, shut up! What are you talking about?
It's not... No, I wasn't happy to hear that...!
Stage 3I'm cute...? Hey, shut up! What are you talking about?
It's not... No, I wasn't happy to hear that...!

Memories (NSFW)

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