1. DT:M
  2. Jeanne

Max Level80
Attack (MAX)376404033043010
Defense (MAX)416004457047540
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Agent of Creation (UR)
Starting Activation : Returns 1-5 enemies' boosted attack power to normal
Skill 2
The Criminal's Bow (UR) [activation limit : 2]
Action Activation : Deals extreme damage to enemiy leader
Skill 3
Howling Soul (LR)
Counter Activation : Extreme boost to 1-4 adjacent allies



Stage 1This is not my will. My words are what the god says. And now, listen to me. Follow me now. Our holly battle is begining.
Stage 2Don't be afraid, my kindred. I hear the voice of the god. I heard the voice said we should not lose this fighting.
Stage 3No one can't hurt me. Can't you see my wings of the god. You may leave now if you won't be against the god.

Memories (NSFW)

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