1. DT:M
  2. Lilith

Max Level80
Attack (MAX)478905131054730
Defense (MAX)319303421036490
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Dark Shield Against Magic Bullet (UR)
Counter Activation : Deals major damage to 1-3 enemies
Skill 2
Obscene Gaze (UR)
Starting Activation : Deals extreme damage to 1-9 enemies
Skill 3
Instinct For Pleasure (LR)
Action Activation : Deals major damage to 1-5 enemies other than the leader, and recovers yourself with the corresponding amount.



Stage 1Come to me, don't be hasitate, boy. Close your eyes and let me have you...
Stage 2Well, do you feel better now? With a little more, a little more time you can reach a good place. Yes, with me.
Stage 3I don’t know why, but my body is strange after I sucked your vigor. How greatly I became to be filled with power. I intended to capture your attention. But conversely was I captured by you?

Memories (NSFW)

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