1. DT:M
  2. Luka

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Max Level50
Attack (MAX)134401511016790
Defense (MAX)205802315025720
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Magical Master (R)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1 adjacent magic-type ally
Skill 2
Magical Shot Flash (R)
Action Activation : Deals major damage to 1 enemy
Skill 3
Godlike Magical Vortex (HR)
Starting Activation : Extreme boost to 1 diagonally adjacent magic-type ally



Stage 1Knights...? Hehe... No matter how much you deny greed and desire... The more you try to deny them, the more they run wild inside you...
Stage 2Knights...? Hehe...No matter how much you deny greed and desire it's no use... Desire and greed are inherent in humans... If you accept them as part of yourself, you will gain peace of mind...
Stage 3There there... Come to me without fear... Let us speak under the veil of darkness... Speak about what is love... and what is desire...

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